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Searched for "format 4 kantenanleimmaschine". Found 25 results in 26 milliseconds.

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Positive result in a challenging year

the HOMAG Group relied increasingly on digital formats. One such example was the HOMAG Treff 2020 in-house event, which was organized in a hybrid format. During this global event, customers could participate [...] Dieter. According to preliminary figures, the HOMAG Group’s order intake in fiscal 2020 declined by 10.4 percent to € 1,093 million (previous year: € 1,220 million). Sales decreased by 13.1 percent to € 1

Networked Workshop (Part 2): Ready for the Future in Three Steps

to network your workshop and therefore embrace the "Industry 4.0" trend is a step in the right direction. In addition, the topic of "Industry 4.0" and thus the digitalization of production processes is being [...] perspective often helps when it comes to intelligently and efficiently tackling the topic of Industry 4.0 and therefore the digitalization of production processes without the need for gimmicks. The different [...] is increased. This step also ensures that the data is validated in the office, and only properly formatted data is passed on to the machine. Workpieces are clearly assigned to production data and processes

Flooring industry: A production vision

has now implemented over 1,000 lines. Even in times of digitalization, when it is all about Industry 4.0, networked production and the Smart Factory, the HOMAG Group, by its own assessment, will once again [...] launching new and innovative products onto the market. This results in the development of ever more new formats, surfaces and decors – which in turn results in a continual rise in the number of variants. Add to [...] planks to wide ‘farmhouse style’ planks, can be profiled. This means that almost all common width formats can be created with a single machine – giving manufacturers the ultimate in flexibility. In addition

Two saws on the same batch

manufacturing process, but these are the layer and sorting buffers. Together, they ensure that in the formatting machine, there are as few changeovers as possible, and the cutting function can process the cutting [...] the components are fully edged in up to three throughfeeds. The components then go into a "TLB 210" 4-bin sorter or directly for destacking. The stack station with robotic stacking ensures that the components [...] something like that." For Ulrich Weber, the investments in the two "robot saws" and the automatic formatting machine cannot be covered by a simple amortization calculation. "That's because we didn't just

Furniture assembling made as simple as a click

grooves the individual furniture elements — floors, side walls, tops and rear walls which are already formatted and have edges — providing them with notches, and incorporates the plastic springs. The elements [...] centre. Designed for lower-capacity, smaller batch production, all the systems can be equipped with a 4- or 5-axis electrospindle to mill the panel according to click technology profile.

Advanced solutions for CNC processing and drilling technology, from single operation to interlinking in cells.

technology to five-axis technology and on table sizes from 1.25 x 2.5 m to 2.1 x 7.4 m — also in half-sized format. The main components are a highly modular, switchable vacuum and air cushion table concept

Fully automatic batch size one production at the kitchen manufacturer

of Industry 4.0. Do you think that this will improve your company's market opportunities? When we approached the topic of batch size 1 production, there was very little talk of 'Production 4.0' at first [...] "When we approached the topic of batch size 1 production, there was no talk of 'Production 4.0'. First we focused on flexibility in our production of structural parts while expanding our production capacity [...] The HPS 320 flexTec is designed strictly for single panels and automatically positions the half-format panels on the cutting line of the saw using robust clamps. The robot is responsible for all of the

Carpenter produces 3D parts for his 5 axis CNC without using a CA

3D models from customers or architects which we can import into Rhino and process, no matter what format they come in. We have to make sure that the workpieces have fully closed contours, that a surface [...] instead of wood. In the macros, the operator can also select whether the machine should work in 3, 4, or 5 axis mode. The standard specifications are all suitable for this workpiece. Now just the two saw

Rubens 3D Product Configurator: Flexible and Easy Furniture Configuration

increased. In addition, all configurations or all configured products can be downloaded as high-resolution 4K renderings. The configurator can be adapted to the corporate identity of any company and seamlessly [...] and products are perfectly staged. 3D Data Export: 3D configurations can be exported in specific formats for further use in other tools, such as CAD design tools. More on the background: The strategic


- future-proof and flexible 3-, 4-axis processing Z-height up to 160 mm Details CNC Gantry-Processing Center CENTATEQ N-500 Compact class Flexible handling concepts 3-, 4-axis machining Details CNC Gan [...] starts - More flexibility, maximum efficiency 3, 4 or 5-axis machining Z-height up to 260 mm Details CNC-Gantry Processing Center CENTATEQ N-600 Nesting with 3-, 4- or 5-axis technology Details CNC processing [...] Experience the latest generation of the woodWOP HOMAG CNC programming software, with its new memory format. Learn about all of the improvements and enhancements. Please confirm that when you use YouTube,


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