Corporate Governance
The German Corporate Governance Code was published for the first time in 2002 and forms the foundation for responsible corporate governance and surveillance.
The Code provides recommendations and suggestions for the management and surveillance of listed German companies, and is oriented towards internationally and nationally recognized standards of good and responsible corporate governance.
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board support the basic regulations of good and responsible corporate governance as outlined in the code. The company implements the recommendations and suggestions of the code wherever these appear appropriate.
Corporate Governance Statement pursuant to Section 289f (4) in conjunction with (2) No. 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
As a result of the transfer of operations from Homag Group AG to HOMAG GmbH, the personnel of Homag Group AG has consisted solely of the members of the Executive Board since January 1, 2022. Therefore, there are no further management levels. Targets have been set for the proportion of women on the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Homag Group AG until June 30, 2027. The target for the Supervisory Board is 25 percent and was reached in 2022.
The target for the Executive Board is 0 percent. The Supervisory Board considers that the Executive Board in its current composition consisting of three men has the necessary competencies to lead the HOMAG Group into a successful future. Continuity in the composition of the management is seen as an important success factor and the age structure of the members of the Executive Board allows for a consistent composition beyond the maximum target range of five years. An expansion of the Executive Board is not deemed necessary. Should there be a change in the Executive Board by 2027, the Supervisory Board will give preference to the appointment of a woman provided that the qualifications are identical.
Compliance comprises all corporate activities with the aim to ensure that all conduct in daily business conforms to the rules and high ethical standards. It governs responsibilities, communication channels and measures in three key areas of activity that are closely interconnected: prevention, early detection and response. You can find out more about this topic on the Dürr Group website.
With the → Dürr Group Integrity Line, we offer the possibility of reporting compliance violations anonymously and securely or by voluntarily providing your name and data.
The annual shareholders´ meeting appointed on May 16, 2024, Deloitte GmbH, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Munich, as the independent auditor for fiscal 2024.
The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board issued the declaration of compliance with the recommendations of the Government Commission German Corporate Governance Code, pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act, and made it permanently accessible to our shareholders on this website. Due to the change of our stock exchange listing to the Entry Standard segment of the Open Market in 2015 we do not disclose any longer the declaration by the management board and supervisory board on the German Corporate Governance Code pursuant to § 161 AktG.
- Declaration of Compliance January 2015
- Declaration of Compliance January 2014
- Declaration of Compliance January 2013
- Declaration of Compliance January 2012
- Declaration of Compliance January 2011
- Declaration of Compliance January 2010
- Declaration of Compliance January 2009
- Declaration of Compliance January 2008
Details of Person: | Transaction: | Basic data: |
Name/Company: Jürgen Köppel Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of a managing body | Date: 28.08.2014 Type of Transaction: Sale Place: Over the counter Price per share: 26.35 Currency: EUR No of items: 1,000 Total amount traded: 26,350.00EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: Jürgen Köppel Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of a managing body | Date: 21.11.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: München Price per share: 10.24 Currency: EUR No of items: 250 Total amount traded: 2,560.00EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 25.10.2012 Type of Transaction: Sale Place: over the counter Price per share: 10.13 Currency: EUR No of items: 11,000.00 Total amount traded: 111,430.00 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 18.09.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA Price per share: 9.625 Currency: EUR No of items: 1,000.00 Total amount traded: 9,625.00 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: Jürgen Köppel Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of a managing body | Date: 27.08.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: München Price per share: 10.945 Currency: EUR No of items: 750.00 Total amount traded: 8,208.75 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 06.06.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA, over the counter Price per share: 11.21 Currency: EUR No of items: 2,500.00 Total amount traded: 28,025.00 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 05.06.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA, Stuttgart, over the counter Price per share: 10.569 Currency: EUR No of items: 3,866.00 Total amount traded: 40,861.25 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 04.06.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA Price per share: 9.85 Currency: EUR No of items: 134.00 Total amount traded: 1,319.90 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 31.05.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA Price per share: 9.938 Currency: EUR No of items: 1,000.00 Total amount traded: 9,938.12 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 30.05.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA Price per share: 9.90 Currency: EUR No of items: 627.00 Total amount traded: 6,207.30 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 29.05.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA Price per share: 9.893 Currency: EUR No of items: 1,319.00 Total amount traded: 13,048.78 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: DOMINO GmbH Reason: Legal person closely associated to a person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body | Date: 25.05.2012 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA Price per share: 9.90 Currency: EUR No of items: 554.00 Total amount traded: 5,484.60 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: Rolf Knoll Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Member of a managing body | Date: 27.09.2010 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: XETRA Price per share: 13.05 Currency: EUR No of items: 1,000 Total amount traded: 13,050.00 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: Gerhard Schuler Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Honorary supervisory board chairman | Date: 10.12.2009 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: over the counter Price per share: 9.9927 Currency: EUR No of items: 7,754 Total amount traded: 77,483.40 EUR | Description of financial: Shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Explanation of publication: Correction of notification (published: May 26, 2010) concerning transaction from December 10, 2009, correction of No. of items and total amount | ||
Name/Company: Gerhard Schuler Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Honorary supervisory board chairman | Date: 07.12.2010 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: over the counter Price per share: 9.6919 Currency: EUR No of items: 4,196 Total amount traded: 40,667.21 EUR | Description of financial: shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Explanation of publication: Correction of notification (published: May 26, 2010) concerning transaction from December 7, 2009, correction of No. of items and total amount | ||
Name/Company: Gerhard Schuler Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Honorary supervisory board chairman | Date: 09.02.2010 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: over the counter Price per share: 11.00 Currency: EUR No of items: 1,450 Total amount traded: 15,950.00 EUR | Description of financial: shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: Gerhard Schuler Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Honorary supervisory board chairman | Date: 08.02.2010 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: over the counter Price per share: 10.9374 Currency: EUR No of items: 4,156 Total amount traded: 45,455.83 EUR | Description of financial: shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: Gerhard Schuler Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Honorary supervisory board chairman | Date: 05.02.2010 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: over the counter Price per share: 10.9021 Currency: EUR No of items: 4,144 Total amount traded: 45,178.30 EUR | Description of financial: shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
Name/Company: Gerhard Schuler Reason: Person performing managerial responsibilities Position: Honorary supervisory board chairman | Date: 01.02.2010 Type of Transaction: Purchase Place: over the counter Price per share: 10.9329 Currency: EUR No of items: 2,750 Total amount traded: 30,065.48 EUR | Description of financial: shares ISIN: DE0005297204 Issuer: Homag Group AG Homagstraße 3-5 72296 Schopfloch Germany |
*NOTE Persons who perform a management function in an Issuing company are obliged, in accordance with § 15a of the Securities Trade Act to inform both the Issuer and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) if they engage in transactions in the Company’s shares or which involve financial instruments related to these shares. This obligation also applies for people closely related to the above person (e.g. spouse, dependent children, legal entities.) Further information concerning the obligation to notify and make public Directors Dealings in accordance with § 15a of the Securities Trade Act can be found on the website of the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BAFin) [Federal Financial Supervisory Authority] at |