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Searched for "sawteq". Found 146 results in 9 milliseconds.

Displaying results 71 to 80 of 146.

JDH Joinery ramps-up production with new HOMAG equipment

observing a significant increase in demand for its products the company recently invested in a HOMAG SAWTEQ B-130 panel saw. According to company director, Joseph Hannigan, the company’s joiners can now m [...] from many professionals in the woodworking industry that had long-term experience of using the HOMAG SAWTEQ B-130 panel saw. His own experience of the efficient operation and reliability of other types of

Claris Housewares & Stationery automates production with HOMAG

“Taking our short and long-term requirements into account, we decided to place orders for a HOMAG SAWTEQ B-130 entry level beam saw and the highly rated DRILLTEQ V-200 CNC processing centre. “As you’d expect [...] Quality and easy operation with simple control software Both machines are very easy to operate; the SAWTEQ uses the Magicut software whilst the DRILLTEQ is controlled by HOMAG’s market leading software, woodWOP

Taylor Made Joinery invests in HOMAG

was to invest in HOMAG’s automated storage and retrieval system, the STORETEQ S-200 along with the SAWTEQ B-300. Although this machinery itself was a major investment, the overall outlay was much greater [...] the existing site.” Partnering with HOMAG UK “The decision to procure the STORETEQ S-200 with the SAWTEQ B-300 was part of a package of equipment that we eventually purchased from HOMAG UK. The process [...] “Together we were able to draw up a list of equipment that included a DRILLTEQ V-500 vertical CNC, the SAWTEQ B-300 beam saw coupled with the STORETEQ S-200 automatic storage and retrieval system, a LOOPTEQ

Being faster — A key to success for Burger Küchen

for Burger because two SAWTEQ B-320 flexTec machines are connected to the storage facility and storage and pre-picking operations have to be completed at the same time. The two SAWTEQ B-320 flexTec machines

Kitchen designer and manufacturer Archispek Limited selects HOMAG

employees. That year, a HOMAG SAWTEQ B-130 panel dividing saw was also installed in Archispek’s woodworking shop for cutting single wood panels and small batches. The SAWTEQ B-130 panel saw costs hardly

SAWTEQ S-300 flexTec robot saw in use at Neue Räume GmbH

offered custom-made kitchens, enabling property owners to add value to their homes. A SAWTEQ S-300 flexTec (formerly SAWTEQ B-300 flexTec) from Homag supports the company with cutting tasks. Eight years ago [...] around 600 square meters, but ultimately decided on 900 square meters to ensure we had space for a SAWTEQ S-300 flexTec from Homag. This saw is exactly what we need to prevent any bottlenecks from arising

In-House Fair HOMAG France

colleagues and specialists: Software Solutions, woodCAD|CAM, flow optimization, 5-axis machining etc ... SAWTEQ B-400 panel saw DRILLTEQ V200 flexible drilling center CENTATEQ P-110 5-axis machining centers EDGETEQ

EPIMEX in-house Exhibiton

production CabinetCreator, intelliDivide, TAPIO etc. 20. - 22. October Cutting HOMAG panel dividing saw SAWTEQ B-300, optimalization software, Cutting production set from HOMAG 27. - 29. October CNC CabinetCreator

Maßarbeit – Issue 12 | 2024

EDGETEQ S-200 and LOOPTEQ O-400, which give small shops a genuine competitive edge. In addition, the SAWTEQ S-300/S-400 flexTec offers even greater sawing efficiency, while the DRILLTEQ V-310 with FEEDBOT

Production in the digital age

technology SAWTEQ B-300 flexTec : The robot saws in the SAWETQ B-300/B-400 flexTec series combine the strengths of automation with manual versatility. At HOLZ-HANDWERK, HOMAG is presenting the SAWTEQ B-300 [...] and optimization through to production workflows and destacking. SAWTEQ B-130: With its state-of-the-art saw control software, the SAWTEQ B-130 cuts quickly, precisely, efficiently and with significantly


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