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The craftsmanship remains: Portrait of the efbe möbelart joinery.

square meters - including sampling. Area Sales Manager Patrick Görner was also able to see this for himself. Together, they explored ways in which HOMAG could further support the young company. Initial [...] company - two in work preparation and two as workshop managers. It is not easy to reconcile all these skills - at efbe möbelart they have managed it. Everyone can get involved, express themselves and realize [...] first employee, a former colleague. In the same year, the first apprentice starts work. And the first HOMAG edge. The small company grows. In addition to individual pieces of furniture, the trio also takes

SCHULER Consulting Pfalzgrafenweiler

at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global H [...] Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH Lemgo, Germany Ausbildung Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG Kantentechnik [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search

Homag Group AG’s CFO leaves the company of his own volition / Ad hoc announcement

German Stock Exchange on October 2007. Information: HOMAG Group AG Investor Relations Simone Müller Tel.: +49 7443 13-2034 12.08.2010 Ad hoc announcement, Financial News [...] Language: English Company: Homag Group AG, Homagstr. 3-5, 72296 Schopfloch, Deutschland Phone: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 0 Fax: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 2300 E-mail: Internet: ISIN: DE0005297204 [...] of the management board responsible for finance, IT and human resources (CFO), asked the supervisory board to end his contract prematurely for personal reasons and will accordingly leave Homag Group AG

New features in the HOMAG CNC software (Basis: NCCenter 1.22)

access to tool management or the corresponding macro in the processing program. ClampManager – For managing clamping equipment Clamping equipment can now be easily managed with ClampManager. It replaces

HOMAG Group AG's annual general meeting virtual for the first time

Board of Management and Supervisory Board were approved by a large majority. By a large majority, the meeting also approved the conclusion of a control and profit transfer agreement between HOMAG Group AG [...] After a good start to the current year, the HOMAG Group has also felt the effects of the corona pandemic since mid-March 2020. Paasivaara emphasized that HOMAG performed well in the first quarter in view [...] Schopfloch, 28th May 2020. Against the backdrop of the corona pandemic, the annual general meeting of HOMAG Group AG was conducted virtually this year. Around 85 percent of the capital stock was represented

Homag Group AG sets issue price at EUR 31.00 / Ad hoc announcement

Japan and Australia. HOMAG Group AG Investor Relations Simone Müller Tel.: +49 7443 13-2034 DGAP 13.07.2007 Language: English Issuer: Homag Group AG, Homagstr. 3-5 [...] Schopfloch, July 13, 2007 – Homag Group AG and the principal selling shareholder together with the joint lead managers and joint bookrunners Dresdner Kleinwort and JPMorgan today set the issue price of [...] Schopfloch, Deutschland Phone: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 0 Fax: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 2300 E-mail: Internet: ISIN: DE0005297204 WKN: 529720 Indices: Listed: Amtlicher Markt in Frankfurt (Prime

Lindinger Holztechnik—Courage for automation & performance class

demands, Ludwig Lindinger uses HOMAG. Even in Salzstrasse the company uses machines from the global market leader. According to Karl-Heinz Brauneisen, HOMAG sales manager for the southern region, the proprietor [...] Karl-Heinz Brauneisen. The innovative project is also very dear to the HOMAG management: which is why Dr. Markus Vöge, EVP Sales & Marketing HOMAG Group, and Ludwig Lindinger meet in the new hall. After some good [...] for a business employing fifteen people. The same is true of the level of automation. Inspired by a HOMAG concept at LIGNA, together with the experts from Denkendorf, Ludwig Lindinger worked out a concept

Panel cutting in batch size 1 combined with high throughput

comprehensive support from our technology partner Homag Bayern, as we have with numerous investments in previous years. Together with the branch manager Karl-Heinz Brauneisen, we have successfully developed [...] is the integrated combination of a HPS 320 FlexTec from Holzma with intelligent panel storage from Homag Automation. More than three years have passed since my last visit to the Voit joinery in Au in der [...] Hallertau, when they added a brand-new edge banding machine with laser technology and integrated robot management (can be read in BM 6/2013). Even then, I noticed that master joiner Stefan Voit (60) is a real

“Over 30,000 parts a day”

Machines from von HOMAG Automation, HOLZMA, HOMAG, HOMAG Automation and WEEKE have so far been installed at “Sogal, Red Apple and Nature” – including data processing using HOMAG eSOLUTION. HOMAG Group Engineering [...] are the names of the first three furniture producers to invest in smart production plants from the HOMAG Group. These manufacturers are able to produce up to 33,000 parts daily including rear panels and [...] complete daily working processes. To achieve this, we opted in favour of an overall solution from the HOMAG Group, which has increased our productivity efficiency considerably. This guarantees our development

HOMAG recognized as Training Champion 2022

at the German locations of HOMAG. The range of training includes 15 commercial and technical/industrial apprenticeships and 12 work-study programs . Company background The HOMAG Group is the world’s leading [...] Schopfloch, July 18, 2022. In mechanical and plant engineering, HOMAG once again ranked among the best training companies in Germany. Thanks to the outstanding quality of its offering for young people [...] 2022” ranking. The ranking was compiled by F.A.Z. Institut in collaboration with IMWF Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH. Most recently, almost 40 percent of all apprenticeship positions


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