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Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Imprint Imprint of HOMAG Group [...] HOMAG Bohrsysteme GmbH Private limited company registered in 33442 Herzebrock-Clarholz, Germany Registered company name: HOMAG Bohrsysteme GmbH Managing directors: Christian Schürle

A practical test mastered: productionManager proves

software duo With imos and HOMAG, managing director Michael Binsch has brought on board two partners who have accompanied his development for many years. Binsch has been relying on HOMAG for over 20 years, as [...] is carried out exclusively with HOMAG machines. Now, Binsch is working with both imos and HOMAG to combine their strengths. The solution: productionManager from HOMAG combined with the iX CAD/CAM system [...] whole in order to achieve performance strength and to be able to manage the complexity of the contract business," recalls Managing Director Michael Binsch. For him, short decision-making paths are the key

HOMAG UK - Forza Doors

improved too.” A company you can trust Managing director Nick Hare is very complimentary about the HOMAG UK team: “We’ve known Roger Wilks, one of HOMAG’s area sales managers, for more than 25 years. He is very [...] West Sussex, Forza Doors was formed in 2010 by Nick Hare (managing director), Alan Brown (sales director) and Philip Duckworth (technical director). The trio had a very clear vision of what they wanted to [...] dedicated to providing its clients with a superior range of veneer or laminate doors and panels, as managing director Nick Hare explains: “Our mission has always been to deliver a first class service that can meet

Executive & Supervisory Board

at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global H [...] March 2021 HOMAG Group AG, Schopfloch, Spokesman of the Management Board of HOMAG GmbH since March 2021 HOMAG Group AG, Schopfloch, Managing director of the HOMAG Kantentechnik GmbH 2016 – 2021 HOMAG Group [...] er Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Company About Us Executive

Karl Weinmann passed away at the age of 70

Holzbausystemtechnik GmbH. He served as the company’s managing director until 2016. At a very early stage, Karl Weinmann, together with the managing directors Alfred Schlegel and Hansbert Ott, recognized the [...] work. Even after he left the management, he maintained close ties with the company and the workforce. Until the end, he was still active as a coach for employees and managers, and his advice was gladly listened [...] listened to and accepted. On behalf of all employees, the Management and Works Council of WEINMANN as well as the Executive Board of the HOMAG Group express their condolences to the entire Weinmann family

Digital future with perspective — productionManager from HOMAG

equipped with productionManager. The managing director is already working on other digital products: "In the picking department, we would like to implement the sorting assistant from HOMAG in the near future [...] 29-year-old Managing Director. The resulting depth of production means that Schuon customers are offered continuous and detailed advice from A to Z. Sophisticated and solution-oriented with HOMAG Comprehensive [...] take several hours is now clarified in a few minutes. Working with productionManager is fun," says Ms. Fischer. Managing Director Phillip Schuon is also enthusiastic: "Thanks to the transparent way of working

Ad hoc announcement according to Sec. 15 WpHG [“Wertpapierhandelsgesetz”: German Securities Trading Act]

Franz Peter Matheis, until now managing director of Schenck RoTec GmbH and commercial director of the Dürr Group's Measuring and Process Systems division, as the new CFO of HOMAG Group AG with effect as of [...] for the content of this announcement. HOMAG Group AG: Management board change Schopfloch, March 5, 2015. With effect as of March 31, 2015, the current CFO of HOMAG Group AG, Mr. Hans-Dieter Schumacher, [...] true in the future. Information: HOMAG Group AG Kai Knitter Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Phone: +49 7443 13-2461 05.03.2015 The DGAP Distribution

WEINMANN makes a donation to the "Hilfe für kranke Kinder" charitable foundation run by Uni-Kinderklinik Tübingen

them so that they can save more lives. Management team and works council hand over the donation on site At the beginning of February, WEINMANN Managing Director Josef Zerle and Chair of the Works Council [...] Sawhorses for a good cause HOMAG Cares about social responsibility. As part of the HOMAG Group, this is also an important mission for WEINMANN. That's why the company chose to use WEINMANN Treff 2023 to [...] here would not be possible." The whole of WEINMANN is happy to support this community cause. Managing Director Josef Zerle emphasized: "As an employer connected to many young families, the charitable foundation

We are always on the pulse.

ahead," explains Markus Neff. HOMAG is also an important point of contact for the Thurgau-based company. But when you ask the Managing Director what he appreciates most about HOMAG, his answer is clear: "The [...] partnerships. That is why René Huber, Assistant to the Managing Director, is keen to reemphasize: "We never deliver late. Never." The reasons for choosing HOMAG are its precision, versatility and reliability The [...] what he wants; he'll be gone within two years," explains Markus Neff, the company's current Managing Director. But four years later, the joinery's workforce had doubled to 35 — and by 1990, this figure

Design Alternative: Impressed by German technology

Alternative produces high-quality products on machines "Made in Germany". The high demands that Managing Director, Dr. Somsak Vatinchai, places on the quality of his products is reflected 1:1 in the satisfaction [...] processing center for further processing round off the machine pool. Dr. Somsak Vatinchai, Managing Director of Design Alternative, is impressed. "At Design Alternative, production has changed significantly [...] solution for all this: a machine pool "Made in Germany". The ideal partner for Design Alternative: HOMAG! Today, the production line encompasses a storage system with two integrated saws as well as two edge


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