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HOMAG Employee Stories

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] machines Double End Tenoners Edgeband material remaining length calculator Panel Dividing & Cutting Panel Dividing Saws Multi Rip Saws Panel Storage Systems House Construction Carpentry Machines Assembly Tables [...] Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Employee Stories > HOMAG Career

Edgebanders and Edge banding machines

at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global H [...] machines Double End Tenoners Edgeband material remaining length calculator Panel Dividing & Cutting Panel Dividing Saws Multi Rip Saws Panel Storage Systems House Construction Carpentry Machines Assembly Tables [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search

Timber Construction

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] machines Double End Tenoners Edgeband material remaining length calculator Panel Dividing & Cutting Panel Dividing Saws Multi Rip Saws Panel Storage Systems House Construction Carpentry Machines Assembly Tables [...] Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH Lemgo, Germany Ausbildung Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG Kantentechnik

New production concept from HOMAG in use at Oberhaizinger

concept that consists largely of HOMAG machines: When it moved into its new production facilities, the company invested extensively in a horizontal storage system, a horizontal saw, a five-axis nesting system [...] this machine concept: The STORETEQ S-200 horizontal storage system supplies the SAWTEQ B-400 panel dividing saw and the CENTATEQ N-600 CNC processing center, followed by the DRILLTEQ V-500 vertical CNC [...] arranged at a right angle to the STORETEQ S-200 horizontal storage system and the SAWTEQ B-400 panel dividing saw so that the warehouse can feed both machines. In turn, the vertical processing center is downstream

Automation in the craft sector

It operated in the center of a circle shaped shelf system at the HOMAG trade fair stand, to temporarily store furniture parts of panels and to provide for an optimum material flow in the assembly. Today [...] on-site impression of this very rare form of automation in the craft sector. “When I saw the robot at the LIGNA 2015 at the HOMAG trade fair stand, I knew immediately that this is the optimum solution for us” [...] buffer storage between part production and assembly, because the optimum process of cutting-to-size saw and edge banding machine cannot be automatically transferred to the assembly. In principle, each furniture

Taylor Made Joinery invests in HOMAG

existing site.” Partnering with HOMAG UK “The decision to procure the STORETEQ S-200 with the SAWTEQ B-300 was part of a package of equipment that we eventually purchased from HOMAG UK. The process of finding [...] to the professionalism of HOMAG’s installation team. The complex process took time, but the install went very smoothly, and I would like to pay tribute to one particular HOMAG engineer, Gordon Mackenzie [...] need arises. Financially, the HOMAG solution works well too; we expect to achieve a return on our recent investments within four years. “In June this year we added another HOMAG DRILLTEQ V-500, this time with

High-grade interior fittings from Civardi Furniture

processing machines of the type Vantage 100 and CENTATEQ N-700 together with a SAWTEQ B-300 panel dividing saw and a STORETEQ S-500 storage system to create a harmonized processing cell. The EDGETEQ S-500 [...] materials. To manage and process this diversity of types, Civardi Furniture has worked closely with HOMAG Australia to equip its production facilities with machines and systems which, in line with the company’s [...] overview and can cost projects precisely — now and in the future. David Civardi is very impressed by the HOMAG systems: "Anyone who doesn't automate and invest in this technology can no longer keep up these days

Robots in production — a new trend?

worked with the panels from the stack. Today, the panels are preassembled and we need a well thought-out concept for sorting and storing the panels and then finding the individual panel positions again [...] BEAMTEQ B-660, equipped with a 20-kW Flex-25 sawing unit for five-axis processing (e.g., for angled, curved, rafter assembly, and rip cuts). The machine also has a 6.6-kW underfloor unit for finger routers [...] work tables that the elements are produced on have been in use at Schlüchtern since 1996. A HOMAG BHC 911 panel processing center preassembles the sheathing materials and is itself fed by an automatic WEINMANN

Nesting and edging - HOMAG Group

with just a panel saw, an old pod machine and an edgebanding machine seems so far away as Matthew remembers. The latest purchase includes a Brandt Ambition 1440 FC edgebander with airTec, HOMAG’s hot air [...] the Vantage 100 model, HOMAG now offers a similar nesting machine at an even more competitive price, the WEEKE Vantech. “This is the perfect time to purchase a CNC,” says HOMAG sales rep Ryan Slater, “we [...] the difference When Matthew started considering HOMAG machines he not only looked at the machine alone. “Service plays an important role as well, and HOMAG’s service is pretty good. They have very good service

Schreinerei Otterbach: Precise investment

invested in the latest process and machine technology. The entire panel logistics and cutting processes have been automated using a saw-storage combination. This was one step with a big effect, claims Florian [...] amount of effort involved in the entire panel handling process." Thanks to the BMG 110 Venture CNC processing center (now called the Centateq P-110) from HOMAG, the company has been using 5-axis technology [...] has been relying on high-quality technology from Homag and a trusted partnership with the specialist company Maschinen Kaul. "We have grown with Homag and now benefit, for example, from standardized user


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