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HOMAG Automation

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Brands HOMAG Automation [...] proven former HOMAG Automation woodworking machines (BARGSTEDT and LIGMATECH) in the usual quality under the HOMAG brand. HOMAG Automation Panel Storage Systems (BARGSTEDT) Storage Systems HOMAG Automation

Annual general meeting of HOMAG Group AG in-person again

The actions of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board were approved with a large majority at the annual general meeting. Klaus Achtelik, Human Resources Manager of the Dürr Group, was newly [...] year 2022, in which the HOMAG Group saw new record levels of sales and earnings. Another topic dealt with the upcoming industry-leading trade fair LIGNA in Hanover, where HOMAG will be presenting numerous [...] Bietigheim-Bissingen / Schopfloch, May 11, 2023. HOMAG Group AG held its annual general meeting today as an in-person event again for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The annual

Being faster — A key to success for Burger Küchen

lovely guests. The successful owner-managed company from Saxony-Anhalt employs some 680 staff and creates its wide variety of kitchens mainly using solutions from the HOMAG Group. Anyone who produces 500 [...] individual kitchens on a daily basis needs to be able to manage a huge range of finishes, components and the different variants that are used in the kitchen. Condensing this range is no easy task, which [...] left over, we've integrated an intelligent offcuts storage system that uses a SORTBOT R-300 robot management to pick up these panel offcuts and place them in compartments. The next cutting operation can then

HOMAG Australia and New Zealand

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Alex Muscat 0400 570 744 Victoria Antonio Di Conza 0418 488 772 Manny Pseftoudis 0418 488 887 South Australia [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search

HOMAG Group AG plans to distribute dividend of EUR 0.30 per share / Ad hoc announcement

Information: HOMAG Group AG Investor Relations Simone Müller Tel.: +49 7443 13-2034 30.03.2009 Financial News transmitted by DGAP Language: English Issuer: Homag Group AG [...] ratify the Company's annual financial statements, the supervisory board of HOMAG Group AG approved a resolution of the management board to propose a dividend of EUR 0.30 per share at the annual general meeting [...] Schopfloch, Deutschland Phone: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 0 Fax: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 2300 E-mail: Internet: ISIN: DE0005297204 WKN: 529720 Indices: SDAX Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt


Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG China > HOMAG Company Locations [...] Privacy Policy HOMAG in China: Your High-Tech and Innovation Partner for Furniture Production About HOMAG China HOMAG China is the subsidiary of HOMAG Group in China. Founded in 1979, it has about 750 employees

TRANSBOT — the dawn of a new production philosophy

solution for was provided by HOMAG and their automated guided vehicle system (AGV), called TRANSBOT . Maximilian Held, Product Management, HOMAG: "With our driverless transport systems, we [...] data had to be managed, and additional data had to be provided. These matters were easily resolved in collaboration with HOMAG Software, as machines are not isolated from one another at HOMAG, but considered [...] for example—the TRANSBOT travel paths in fleet management can be effortlessly adapted to the new conditions. The combination of TRANSBOT and fleet management is comparable to the interaction found in se

HOMAG Beamsaw HPL 500 - Willerby

“At the end of the process, it was HOMAG that really impressed us. Not only could its beam saws meet our specification, but also John Shepherd, HOMAG’s area sales manager, was able to take us to a couple [...] shop floor level, our operators were also very keen to go the HOMAG route because of the positive experience they have of working on HOMAG machines over a period of more than thirty years.” Getting the [...] envisage any breakdowns or any problems with the saw at all.” More to come from HOMAG “Looking ahead, we’ve also got two HOMAG HPP 400 beam saws on order; these are due for installation by the end of January

Maßarbeit – Issue 8 | 2022

mind, we hope you enjoy reading the magazine. Karl-Heinz Brauneisen Sales manager for southern Germany Thomas Nesemeier Sales manager for northern Germany Read the Issue 8 now! [...] more. And that is why we are really looking forward to the next opportunity: we invite you to the HOMAG TREFF in Holzbronn on September 27. There, we will finally have the chance once again to show you [...] DRILLTEQ V-310 or the CENTATEQ N-510, as well as digital assistants such as woodCommander 5, productionManager, etc. are included. The eighth issue of our Maßarbeit magazine gives you a small foretaste of what's

Across the north with a wide range of services

impressed with HOMAG ever since. The company can almost be considered a fan of HOMAG. In addition to purchasing a new saw with a connected storage system and the Edgeband Management Set for managing edgebands [...] Originally, contact with the HOMAG Group came almost by chance. At the time, the Papcke carpentry business was looking for a reliable processing center, and the solutions from HOMAG came highly recommended [...] startup, the Papcke family also has a large private connection to the region. Senior manager Klaus and junior manager Phil enjoy sailing, but Phil is active not only on smaller ships, but also on large


Searching for spare parts?

Spare parts can be found in our HOMAG eShop.