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Searched for "managing director of homag". Found 589 results in 15 milliseconds.

Displaying results 221 to 230 of 589.

Digitalization for carpenters and joiners: Apps and assistants from HOMAG

the workshop. Apps and web applications Design furniture: SmartWOP The digital job folder: productionManager The cutting op [...] nest as close together as possible. Edgeband Management Set This edge assistant organizes all edge material in the workshop. Sorting Production Set Each [...] ng with HOMAG to take a step-by-step approach to digitalization. In the video: The complete overview! The video “Digitization in the workshop: Step by step with apps and assistants from HOMAG” provides

Ad hoc announcement according to Sec. 15 WpHG [“Wertpapierhandelsgesetz”: German Securities Trading Act]

content of this announcement. HOMAG Group AG: Change of CEO Schopfloch, October 27, 2014. The current CEO of HOMAG Group AG, Dr. Markus Flik, is stepping down from the management board of his own volition [...] Language: English Company: Homag Group AG, Homagstr. 3-5, 72296 Schopfloch, Germany Phone: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 0 Fax: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 2300 E-mail: Internet: ISIN: DE0005297204 [...] supervisory board also appointed Mr. Ralph Heuwing, CFO of Dürr AG, as a new member of the management board of HOMAG Group AG with effect as of October 27, 2014; Mr. Heuwing will assume the position of CEO

#PeopleBehindTheBrand Brian Acraman

interview, we spoke with Brian Acraman. Brian has been working as Purchasing Manager at HOMAG Australia for 15 years. HOMAG Australia is now looking back on a 20-year success-story. How did Australian [...] products of the HOMAG Group? Brian Acraman: I believe it becoming more and more important. What are your expectations for HOMAG Australia in the next five years? Brian Acraman: I expect that Homag Australia [...] the next years and which solutions does HOMAG Australia offer to help customers mastering them successfully? Brian Acraman: From my perspective as purchasing manager, a significant challenge we are facing

Financial and economic crisis leaves its mark on HOMAG Group AG / Ad hoc announcement

Information: HOMAG Group AG Investor Relations Simone Mueller Phone: +49 7443 13-2034 17.02.2009 Financial News transmitted by DGAP Language: English Issuer: Homag Group [...] translation of sales revenue in these countries resulted in an additional burden on sales. The HOMAG Group AG’s management board thus currently expects sales revenue for the full year 2008 of EUR 856 million (prior [...] possible, and the management board would rather wait until after the LIGNA, the industry’s leading trade show, which will be held in May. Following the challenging start to the year, the management board anticipates

John Worth Shopfitters invests in HOMAG CENTATEQ N-500 CNC

John Worth’s workshop manager, Gary Crump, “You have to invest in the latest woodworking machinery. If you don’t, you simply can’t compete on quality, speed or cost. “Our existing HOMAG CNC machine has been [...] of the machine, the CENTATEQ N-500 has lived up to our expectations. The people at HOMAG, from Matt Long the area manager through to everyone at head office, are all competent and highly professional. They [...] industry,” concludes Crump. If you’d like a demonstration or more information about HOMAG CNC machines, please contact HOMAG UK on 01332 856424.

Maßarbeit – Issue 5 | 2021

and the fixed price for the HOMAG repair service. We hope you enjoy reading the magazine Karl-Heinz Brauneisen Sales manager for southern Germany Thomas Nesemeier Sales manager for northern Germany Read [...] standing still in many ways, we won't let that affect us. We have a HOMAG year full of innovations ahead of us. It starts with our Live.HOMAG event in Horb and Holzbronn. There we will be presenting exciting

HOMAG Service — Benefit for a lifetime. Now even more individual and with new products.

processes. HOMAG is gradually increasing performance, making processes more efficient, offering faster help, and providing sustainable availability and modern knowledge management. This is the HOMAG understanding [...] the machine eShop 2.0: More content, more manageable and faster than ever Two top apps for quick help in an emergency — now immediately available on delivery HOMAG Academy is showing an unprecedented way

All Automation areas from one source

under the new company’s name HOMAG Automation GmbH. Jochen Fischer, (Research & Development and Production) and Holger Blötscher (Sales and commercial area) take over the management. "The merger of the both [...] technology and packaging technology due to the merger. Manager Holger Blötscher emphasizes: "The largest company in its sector has been created with HOMAG Automation, by merging both subsidiaries. With this [...] BARGSTEDT Handlingsysteme GmbH, Hemmoor, and LIGMATECH Automationssysteme GmbH, Lichtenberg, into the HOMAG Automation GmbH has successfully been finished. The legal step in the merger of both companies was

Experience real added value in practice live. HOMAG at HOLZ-HANDWERK 2022

If the suction cross rail is the heart of a HOMAG storage system, then woodStore is the brain. The software links order management with job processing, manages materials down to panel waste, analyzes movements [...] application from any Internet-compatible device. We presented the productionManager for the first time on April 05 — on Live.HOMAG. The presentation is still available there. DRILLTEQ V-310: The Raumwunder [...] state-of-the-art software via woodCommander 5. In combination with the edgeband assistant from HOMAG, production managers maintain a complete overview over the edge material. Increasingly important: Pressing and

Software for Timber Construction

at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global H [...] Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH Lemgo, Germany Ausbildung Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG Kantentechnik [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search


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