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Press Box

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Company News Press Box HOMAG Digital [...] Presskit HOMAG Treff 2024 Preview HOMAG Treff 2024 All information about the HOMAG press release can be found here. Download Preview HOMAG Treff 2024 Ready, set, form your lots! productionManager: Lot generation

Working in harmony: SmartWOP and productionManager

harmony: SmartWOP and productionManager With just one click, the master carpenter transfers the data from SmartWOP directly to the productionManager digital order folder from HOMAG. The entire order, including [...] processed and to what extent. productionManager has now remedied this problem. Several stations in production report completed processing steps directly to productionManager, either automatically or manually [...] step further by placing even more digital focus on what happens in the workshop by using productionManager. Cabinet design in the blink of an eye Founded in 2011 by Benjamin Löw and Thorsten Breidenbach,

Goodbye endless paperwork, hello digital job folder

using productionManager. Step by step, the CEO is getting closer and closer to digital simplicity. Hendrik Albers, software expert at HOMAG, can see simple ways to achieve this goal: "HOMAG cloud-based solutions [...] he thinks in big steps and always wants to be far ahead of his time. productionManager , the digital job folder from HOMAG, perfectly fits the requirements and workflow of the pioneering woodworking company [...] since we moved into the new 1200 m 2 hall in 2017." Increasing use of HOMAG products Today, ZB Holzsysteme uses almost exclusively HOMAG machines: a CNC machine (CENTATEQ), an edge banding machine (EDGETEQ)

No room for rough edges

the HOMAG CUBE as an interface between the label printer , the optional LED strips , and the materialManager and materialAssist apps for managing the edge material and the edge rolls. The HOMAG CUBE ensures [...] The materialManager and materialAssist apps are digital solutions that can be used with all common browsers or on a tablet. You use the materialManager app during work preparation to manage the edge material [...] ? The solution is within easy reach and is called the edgeband assistant from HOMAG, also known as the Edgeband Management Set . This digital assistant helps you keep a complete overview of all information

All edgebands at a glance: at the Löw carpentry

Löw Breidenbach Möbelbau, which recently started testing one of HOMAG's digital assistants. The solution is called „ Edgeband Management Set “. With this digital assistant, the employees of Löw Breidenbach [...] the edge rack, the LED strips, the required apps "materialManager" and "materialAssist Edge" and a label printer for marking the edges. The HOMAG CUBE is the heart of the system. It is the interface between [...] How can I store my edgeband coils in a way that is clear and tidy? How can I manage stocks of edgeband coils and find edges quickly? How do I make sure that enough edge material is still available? These

Cutting Software Downloads

at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global H [...] er Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Service Software Downloads [...] materialManager All material data and stocks managed clearly in just one digital application Central material management in the company Integrated use of material data Details materialManager Advanced

It's never been so easy to get started: Becoming a digital workshop with the new HOMAG CUBE.

the "Edgeband Management Set" consist of? The following components are included in the scope of delivery: Two apps: "materialAssist Edge" (edgeband management in the rack) & "materialManager" (central material [...] operator, apps and all other elements. With the HOMAG CUBE, users can install their personal digital assistant easily themselves. In time for HOLZ-HANDWERK, HOMAG is starting with three selected sets in the [...] for sorting parts. From the date of the trade fair, all sets will be available via the HOMAG webshop ( or via sales contacts. "Cutting Production Set" In the area of manual cutting, woodworking


Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Group Cybersecurity Incident Management (D.C.I.M.) > HOMAG Service Cybersecurity The HOMAG company is part of the Dürr Group. The Dürr Group Cybersecurity Incident Management team is responsible for the [...] Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH Lemgo, Germany Ausbildung Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG Kantentechnik

The digital job folder brings transparency to the workshop

communication between HOMAG apps Anyone using other HOMAG apps or digital assistants has many additional benefits thanks to coordinated interfaces between productionManager and the HOMAG apps. Within the app [...] for Cut Rite or another optimization software. If the company manages its panel and edge materials in the materialManager app, productionManager also uses this data. If the cutting assistant (Cutting Production [...] productionManager. At the same time, HOMAG has also developed suitable interfaces with various external software partners. In conjunction with imos iX, Borm ERP systems, SWOOD or SmartWOP, the HOMAG software

Discover HOMAG India’s Innovations at the INDIAWOOD

production. HOMAG India will introduce a suite of software solutions aimed at optimizing woodworking production processes. This includes among other things: HOMAG iX : In design and production management, HOMAG [...] spent on production, HOMAG India is set to showcase solutions aimed at streamlining maintenance tasks. For example, HOMAG introduces an easier process for changing the glue pot on HOMAG Edgebanding machines [...] experts from HOMAG India. Engage in discussions, seek advice, and discover how HOMAG can tailor its solutions to dovetail with your specific requirements. Featuring live demonstrations, HOMAG India offers


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