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Searched for "managing director of homag". Found 589 results in 15 milliseconds.

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Reorganization of the management board of HOMAG Group AG / Ad hoc announcement

marketing will be Jürgen Köppel, since 2004 managing director of the successful HOMAG production company BRANDT Kantentechnik GmbH. Dr. Joachim Brenk, present CEO of HOMAG Group AG and responsible for sales, service [...] Information: HOMAG Group AG Investor Relations Simone Müller Tel.: +49 7443 13-2034 28.07.2009 Financial News transmitted by DGAP Language: English Issuer: Homag Group AG [...] September 1, 2009, Rolf Knoll, longstanding member of the management board responsible for group operations, will assume the function of CEO. New management board member responsible for sales, service and marketing

HOMAG's CNC solutions: made in India, now for the world

quality made in Homag effectively, meeting a wide spectrum of customer needs and budget considerations with high efficiency," said Venkataramana Gorti, Managing Director and Country Head of Homag India. "Our [...] spectrum of customer needs and budget considerations.” Venkataramana Gorti, Country Head & Managing Director, HOMAG India. In the world of woodworking and joinery. the precision and finish are not merely [...] creation of intricate designs that would be difficult or impossible to achieve by hand. New strategies HOMAG India offers a range of CNC solutions that cater to various levels of production needs and is a preferred

48 hours is all it takes

enthusiastically. "HOMAG is a reliable partner" As a result, Managing Director Günther Schweiger only has good things to say about the collaboration: "We are constantly developing and HOMAG helps us to achieve [...] customers would manufacture it themselves, so there is no need to change anything," says Managing Director Günther Schweiger. At the company's two plants in Austria and Germany, every effort is made to meet high [...] Austrian plant, four HOMAG Centateq nesting lines and panel saws are fed from the two-story, approx. 160-meter long panel storage. The panel storage processes parts and forwards them to HOMAG Edgeteq edge banding

Robot-made 'single' cuts

carpenters don't make surplus purchases; as craftsmen, they do everything themselves," explains the managing director. "Over the last ten years, things have changed substantially. It isn't just that the number [...] , fully networked. "At horatec, the average batch size per production is 1.7," reports the managing director. "There are also no product concepts in this core activity, since no part is repeated. Each [...] is, in principle, unlimited." The ROI calculation followed shortly thereafter, in which the managing director compared the two semi-automatic saws with the flexTec — primarily with regard to a shortage

Taking Industry 4.0 to the next level: Accelerating digitalisation in the Asian market

as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on supply chains,” said Wolfgang Neeser, managing director, HOMAG Asia. As many industry players begin to integrate cloud computing, data analytics, artificial [...] saws, HOMAG CUBE allows easy organisation and management of edging material. Three popular digital assistants are now available to customers in Asia, ready to be installed and integrated with HOMAG CUBE [...] there was room for improvement was in the management of the edges. “For one thing, we never knew how much stock was there,” lamented Benjamin Löw, Managing Director of Löw Breidenbach. “Then of course the

HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik and Anthon plan close cooperation

industry", highlights Ove Lange, Managing Director of Anthon GmbH. "We have found the best possible partners for this in HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH and the HOMAG Group." [...] HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik is part of the HOMAG Group, the world's leading supplier of integrated solutions for production in the woodworking industry and woodworking shops, and specializes in machines [...] also", explains Wolfgang Augsten, Head of the Business Unit Panel Dividing at the HOMAG Group. "Furthermore, the HOMAG Group will from now on be Anthon's partner whenever the company needs smaller saws

Production line for batch size 1 kitchens

bases covering a large part of Austria and sell our kitchens directly to the customer," says Managing Director Johann Breitschopf. As the final step, 20 assembly teams install the kitchens at the premises [...] as are anthracite and concrete colors." There are no limits to imagination and taste, the Managing Director continues: "Over 90 percent of our kitchens contain stone worktops or ceramics. Nobody else [...] premises." … no matter what happens "We have made significant investments recently," explains the managing director Breitschopf. "We want to use this potential to continuously increase sales over the next few

Joinery Daxenberger: Enthusiastic about the horizontal storage system TLF 211 right from the beginning

do, and what facilitation it grants in the whole work sequence", tells Bernhard Daxenberger, Managing Director of the joinery Daxenberger. "Now, it is clearly defined, what previously had been an estimation [...] complete materials management. One highlight is the mobile control unit at the traverses. It ensures particularly small stack spacings, whether for new panels or for offcut management. Furthermore, the [...] family-run company has made the workflow more effective in order to remain successful on the market. The HOMAG Automation horizontal storage system TLF 211 and the HOLZMA panel saw have been the perfect solution

HOMAG Partner: Electro Tech Machinery

As Managing Director of Electro Tech – what do you particularly appreciate about your tasks? I have now been working in my position for over 23 years. What I love about it? Meeting different people and [...] our industry. And I really think we've mastered the challenge. How would you describe HOMAG to a good friend? HOMAG has been an excellent company to be involved with over the past 20 years. As a market [...] to us at Electro Tech Machinery and to our Irish customers. What makes working with HOMAG special? Working with HOMAG gives us the confidence to visit customers no matter how big or small knowing we can

Retail Furniture - HOMAG Automation TLF 211 storage system

a candle to HOMAG.” The complete package “In my opinion, HOMAG is the only company that offers the complete package. From the knowledge, expertise and honesty of their area sales managers to the build [...] looks after you like HOMAG. “Our relationship with them is a true partnership. Over the years a deep trust has developed between us and so when Jon Lawman, our HOMAG UK area manager, suggests a solution [...] flexibility which has led to a wide range of trade and blue-chip clients employing its services. Managing director, Neil Enefer explains the company’s philosophy, “I’ve always been a believer in ‘you get what


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