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Fully automatic panel saw at furniture manufacturer MS Schuon

do not program the saw or the robot. The work preparation department has optimized the cutting patterns with Cut Rite and transferred them to the storage software in the planned production order. The storage [...] two-shift operation, cuts 100 half-size panels every day, and from those panels, delivers approximately 1400 cut parts. The performance of the HPS 320 FlexTec depends on the cutting patterns. Homag claims [...] completely cut, the automatic storage system delivers the next. The robot rotates long strips 90° and puts them down on a cross conveyor to the right at the back. Once the half-size panel has been cut into strips

HOMAG Korea Showcased Woodworking Solutions at KOFURN Exhibition 2023

solutions such as SmartWOP, Homag iX, Cut Rite & MMR. These software packages are designed to ensure seamless and efficient production processes, including planning, cutting optimization, and data management [...] comprehensive portfolio of solutions. This included advanced CNC machines, edge banding machines, panel cutting machines, and several software solutions as well as digital apps: CENTATEQ P-110 A versatile, compact [...] significantly improves productivity, with the IntelliGuide system, ensuring accurate and efficient cutting. Designed for high flexibility, precision, and automation, it allows users to optimize their production

Wagner Möbel Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG

recorded in the CAD/CAM system from Imos, optimized with the Cut Rite cutting optimization software and handed over to the production department. Cutting takes place on the BHP 210 nesting machine (now: CENTATEQ

Automated Homag TLF storage system

terms of overall manufacturing efficiency. Thanks to the seamless integration of software, Holzma’s Cut Rite talks to the TLF and they understand each other right away. The customer knows exactly what to order [...] anymore which always used to slow down cutting jobs. Now it all happens together and automatically without waiting times and therefore, a huge volume of parts can be cut. George is totally chuffed with the [...] arrived in February this year. “We’d been busy for quite a while and getting busier by the month. Our cutting day started at 2am and usually finished about 7pm. It was becoming very apparent an upgrade was in

HOMAG Vantech: a long manufacturing history

computer technology he was confident enough to buy a CNC machine with additional cutting optimisation software. “HOMAG’s Cut Rite software is easy to use and I received a helpful and interesting training from [...] supported with 3D models and cut on a Vantech CNC machine for top quality and precision. “I have used the CNC for small jobs and I can clearly see the difference. It cuts and drills holes in one go. A [...] Magazine, Winter edition 2017. Nesting has never been easier and more favourable. Cutting down assembly times and labour costs are crucial for every business. HOMAG’s Vantech 480 is one of

Panel cutting in batch size 1 combined with high throughput

panel has been delivered fully automatically from the panel storage to the saw, complex cutting patterns from the Cut Rite optimization software can also be carried out fully automatically – without expensive [...] 12 / 2016, Joinery business Voit takes a new approach to panel cutting: quality plus quantity Panel cutting has been completely overhauled at production specialist Voit. The joinery has [...] "Depending on the cutting pattern, we can manage up to 1500 parts per shift." One storage unit, two saws, unlimited options Together with the HPP 530, which Voit continues to use in the book cutting area and which

Interior architects' favor. Portrait of the Fehlmann joinery.

software. For example, from HOMAG, the company uses woodWOP, woodStore and woodCommander as well as Cut Rite. Why HOMAG? It is the reliability and innovative power of HOMAG that Fehlmann particularly values [...] area of 3.100 m². The working area now accommodates four CNC machines, an edge banding machine, a cutting system including storage system and assembly, a sanding machine and a spraying robot. All large

SAWTEQ S-300 flexTec robot saw in use at Neue Räume GmbH

innovative touch operation and guides the operator using an assistance graphic. The Cut Rite optimization software is used for cutting. A STORETEQ P-300 storage system is connected directly to the saw for logistical [...] homes. A SAWTEQ S-300 flexTec (formerly SAWTEQ B-300 flexTec) from Homag supports the company with cutting tasks. Eight years ago, Bastian Wahl and his company Neue Räume GmbH began producing high-quality [...] the order was placed to commissioning the saw and the connected storage system. Although the saw can cut panels of more than 4.0 meters, the panels at NR Küchen are usually 2.80 x 2.10 meters in size, with

Batch size 1 at furniture factory Rudolf

flexTec gave Rudolf a cutting cell specially designed for cutting individual panels, which offered highly efficient, fully automatic processes. Thanks to the use of a robot, panels can be cut longitudinally and [...] reduced thanks to flexible grouping of jobs in batch formation and seamless communication with the Cut Rite cutting optimization software. Job progress can be monitored in ControllerMES throughout the entire [...] company needed its own cutting facility. In 2010, the company installed an automatic panel storage system with a downstream HOMAG HKL 380 angular saw unit (now SAWTEQ B-300) for cutting. A HPP 200 pressure

The digital job folder brings transparency to the workshop

e optimization software for cutting or nesting can transfer the parts for cutting directly to intelliDivide. Alternatively, the parts list can also be exported for Cut Rite or another optimization software [...] edge materials in the materialManager app, productionManager also uses this data. If the cutting assistant (Cutting Production Set), the nesting assistant (Nesting Production Set) or the sorting assistant


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