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Ad hoc announcement according to Sec. 15 WpHG [“Wertpapierhandelsgesetz”: German Securities Trading Act]

archive at and Language: English Company: Homag Group AG, Homagstr. 3-5, 72296 Schopfloch, Germany Phone: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 0 Fax: +49 (0)7443 / 13 – 2300 E-mail: info@homag

First half of 2023 of the HOMAG Group: Increasing sales with decreasing order intake

Schopfloch, August 3, 2023. Following the very strong previous years, the HOMAG Group’s order intake declined in the first half of 2023. The company was, however, able to increase its sales. Order intake

All or nothing - Restructuring results in more flexib

have successfully survived the financial crisis. In 2009, Managing Director Daniel Hamdorf invested 2.3 million in his company and increased sales tenfold in this business segment. This was a measure he decided [...] the line. In the next step, the framework, which has now been planked on one side, arrives at table 3 in a turning operation. Here, the insulation is introduced before the element is transported to table


Русский Dansk eShop Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are [...] Partially unmanned operation Details Panel dividing saw SAWTEQ S-320 flexTec Production capacity of up to 3,000 parts per shift Automation through robot management Unlimited recuts Details Panel dividing saw

A small quantum leap

automatic insulating, as well as the ability to produce very heavy elements weighing up to 3.5 t with dimensions of up to 3.70 m x 12.00 m. The custom hall layout, the planning of the workflow, the proven di

Interior Fittings

Русский Dansk eShop Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are [...] are also used to make your life easier — from the work preparation stage through to assembly. Concept 3: Efficient solid wood processing. Whether you are a window manufacturer, an ambitious carpenter or in

HOMAG edge plants opens up completely new possibilities for Polish door manufacturer Erkado

production range Sandwich doors with frames made of MDF or soft wood-solid wood and HDF top layer (3 and 6 mm) will soon be processed on the plant. Paper honeycomb, tubular chipboard and solid chipboard [...] The surface coating is carried out with laminate film, laminate (CPL, HPL) or lacquer. Thin edges (0.3–0.4 mm) made from melamine and paper and ABS thick edging material (2 mm) are used as edging material

Customer report Baido, Italy

by the HOMAG machine pool. From the saw-storage combination and the 7 CNC processing centers to the 3 edge banding machines, more than 400 special work plates are manufactured per day on HOMAG machines

How will prefabricated houses be produced in the future?

of 4.5 m. However, from a transport perspective it's a different story — the limit for transport is 3.05 m. Anything beyond that requires special transport." Process networking is the key to productivity

New features in the HOMAG CNC software (Basis: NCCenter 1.22)

types have been set up, they can be easily exported and imported to other machines. In addition to the 3D model of the clamping equipment, its collision models are also displayed. woodMotion 8 – Graphical


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