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Carpenter produces 3D parts for his 5 axis CNC without using a CA

Published in „DDS 3/2017“. Benjamin Löw works with two screens, on the small screen to the right he is running “woodWOP 7”, the programming system from HOMAG with 3D CAM module, on the left a 3D-CAD program [...] screen shows the interface of the 3D-CAD program Rhino. This design program from software company McNeel is regarded as high-performance and value for money. Even proven 3D specialists work with it. Benjamin [...] Many joiners and carpenters cannot manufacture 3D parts with their 5 axis CNC machine because they shy away from investing in expensive CAD-CAM systems. The Löw und Breidenbach carpenters workshop has

HOMAG and 3Tec agree strategic partnership: Focus on customers

comprehensive software suite. 3Tec is a leader in the development of software solutions in the field of production control systems (MES). Using the latest software technologies, 3Tec continues to develop production [...] industrial production - especially in the kitchen and office furniture industry. Company Background 3Tec automation 3Tec has been supplying furniture manufacturers with innovative production control technology [...] new projects. When it comes to this integration as part of a higher-level production control system, 3Tec can provide us with effective support in order to achieve the best possible result for the customer"

Continuing to push ahead with digitization

majority-owned by the Dürr Group since October 2014. 3CAD 3CAD was founded in 1994 in Pieve di Soligo and is today a division of the Compusoft Group. 3CAD developed the first three-dimensional product c [...] customers. As part of the Compusoft Group, 3CAD is a highly innovative leading supplier of web based configurators and web shop connections. The HOMAG Group and 3CAD have agreed on close cooperation in order [...] graphical product configuration and production management 3CAD is a team of highly specialized professionals with deep knowledge of the configuration sector. 3CAD provides innovative technology and user-friendly

woodWOP CAM Plugin

Process 3D surfaces with woodWOP This software module enhances woodWOP, creating a CAD/CAM system that lets you pro-cess 3D surfaces with 3, 4 and 5-axis interpolation depending on the machine equipment

woodWOP CAD Plugin

Create 2D and 3D CAD drawings directly in woodWOP The 2D drawing function gives you a quick and easy way to create contour definitions. Gen-erate 3D surfaces with ease or open finished 3D models directly

USA: On the road to the high-tech factory

of Ford car parts, Nexis 3 is now manufacturing shopfitting and office furniture, among others for renowned German manufacturers. To date, Steve Schoenacker, the owner of Nexis 3, has accomplished truly [...] ure and the factory layout will be implemented. Nexis 3 still has some way to go before that can happen, but it is impressive how quickly Nexis 3 has adopted different ideas and simply implemented them [...] and a planer. Today, with approximately 20 employees and a production floor of almost 6,000 m2, Nexis 3 is at a crossroads between craft and industrial production. This is exactly where the problem arose:

Technology Day: CNC and Edge Processing

Finish M. Pennelis / M. Hinkel BZ3 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. HOMAG woodWOP S. Van Remoortel BZ4 11:45 to 12:15 a.m. Jowat Isocyanatverordnung / MR Technologie T. Görder BZ3 01:00 to 01:30 p.m. HOMAG woodCommander [...] BZ4 01:45 to 02:15 p.m. Lamello Verbindungstechnik G. Hawranke BZ3 02:30 to 03:00 p.m. Riepe Texture Finish M. Pennelis / M. Hinkel BZ3 02:30 to 03:00 p.m. HOMAG woodWOP S. Van Remoortel BZ4 03:15 to 03:45 [...] Texture Finish M. Pennelis / M. Hinkel BZ3 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. HOMAG woodWOP S. Van Remoortel BZ4 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. Jowat Isocyanatverordnung / MR Technologie A. Ernst BZ3 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. HOMAG woodCommander

Rubens 3D Product Configurator: Flexible and Easy Furniture Configuration

and sale of individual furniture. The result: the Rubens 3D Product Configurator. Error-free configuration and realistic planning With the Rubens 3D Product Configurator from the software company Roomle [...] marketing campaigns and much more. This saves time and money, and products are perfectly staged. 3D Data Export: 3D configurations can be exported in specific formats for further use in other tools, such as [...] Roomle, furniture manufacturers are setting a new standard in the 3D/AR display and interior planning of individual dream furniture. The use of the product configurator simplifies the sale of consulting-intensive

Two solutions. One interface. Countless advantages: SmartWOP and productionManager

information including CNC programs and 3D drawings, is then available in productionManager. The integrated 3D viewer allows you to view your planning in a zoomable and rotatable 3D view, including textures and [...] to visualize the entire order. The components of your order can be shown and hidden directly in the 3D viewer of the digital job folder. You can also measure distances between components. But that's not

woodWOP: New options with the CAM plugin

The add-on module for woodWOP provides you with additional processing macros that enable 3-axis processing of 3D surfaces in woodWOP. Tools such as roughing cutters, finishing cutters and ball cutters [...] down projects because it isn't a 5-axis machine? It doesn't need to be like this: There's more to your 3-axis or 4-axis than many people think. With CAM Plugin Basic for woodWOP you can produce workpieces [...] costs and a lot of effort. Beech handrail: A classic produced in a modern way. The joiner designed the 3D model of this handrail segment using the CAD plugin in woodWOP. The subsequent programming of the


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