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Networked production in joineries

The experience of the HOMAG Group was a key factor in this regard, as the HOMAG Group claims to be the pioneer of networked production. And in Friedrich Schweiger, HOMAG Area Manager for southeast Bavaria [...] sourced from the HOMAG Group. "Just because we have networked all of our company processes, that doesn't mean we are an industrial company," says Bernhard Daxenberger, master joiner and Co-director of the Daxenberger [...] smaller joineries too. This is because the intelligent offcuts management reduces the production costs noticeably in every business. According to HOMAG, correct material handling is a key to success for cost

On furniture trends and where to find them

to innovate: trend changes for the living room, kitchen and more The five-member team around Managing Director Norbert Poppenborg accompanies the development of new products from scratch to commercialisation

Rediscover your competitive edge.

at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global H [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search [...] Studies Awards Newsletter Exhibitions & Events Fairs & Events Webinars @ Live.HOMAG Media Videos Customer Magazine About Us HOMAG Group Mission Statement Executive & Supervisory Board History & Innovations

Auf dem Weg zum industriellen Bauunternehmen

help of its employees and the support of SCHULER Consulting. Tillmann Schütt, fifth-generation managing director of the company, and Michael Postulart, consultant at SCHULER Consulting, talk about small successes [...] 25–30 years and, in some cases, their fathers worked for us as well. I am the fifth-generation managing director. Today, we want to take a step toward industrial production and are fighting against habits [...] slowly. I've been thinking about looking for external support for a while. In 2021, my production manager was at the WEINMANN Treff, got to know SCHULER Consulting and came back all bright-eyed. That was

HOMAG: Intelligent networked machine concept at Ries Akustik

Wild, who, together with his wife Annemarie, as well as co-managing director Jürgen Rothgang and production manager Harald Wenig, has been managing the company since 2017 — the second generation of his family [...] years ago we invested in a five-axis CNC processing center from HOMAG," reports André Wild. This was followed a little later by a new HOMAG wide-belt sanding machine. The aim was to increase the proportion [...] us — now and even more so with a view to the future." Faced with this challenge, the management then approached HOMAG with a rough concept. For cutting, it included the SAWTEQ B-300 panel dividing saw in

HOMAG’s airTec system produces perfect edges for Atelier Joinery

everything about HOMAG gives us confidence. The team of people at HOMAG UK are friendly yet professional and, despite the fact that we are a relatively small joinery firm and HOMAG is the industry’s global [...] plain colours where joints are more visible. ” Investing in HOMAG “When it comes to machine quality, the one brand name that always surfaces is HOMAG; they have a great reputation for producing the very best [...] benefits that convinced us that HOMAG offered the perfect solution for Atelier. Firstly, its airTec edging system was mighty impressive when we saw it demonstrated at HOMAG’s Castle Donington showroom. Even

JDH Joinery ramps-up production with new HOMAG equipment

received from HOMAG saying: “I was impressed with the expert advice provided by the HOMAG sales representative, and with the timely HOMAG installation and comprehensive operator training. HOMAG is therefore [...] recently invested in a HOMAG SAWTEQ B-130 panel saw. According to company director, Joseph Hannigan, the company’s joiners can now manufacture twice as many panels with the HOMAG panel saw than they previously [...] equipment suppliers I would recommend to others.” HOMAG equipment came highly recommended As part of his panel saw selection process Joseph visited the HOMAG exhibition stand at the LIGNA woodworking show

HOMAG India goes the VOC way!

new Managing Director and Country Head of HOMAG India, the company is moving towards the “voice of our customers”. Venkat says, “The Indian subsidiary will henceforth play a major role in HOMAG’s business [...] the buzzword that resonates with brand HOMAG. But the German manufacturer of woodworking machinery and leader in panel processing is going a step further. HOMAG will henceforth be synonymous with ‘Solutions’ [...] stay relevant and competitive. In such a scenario, HOMAG sees itself offering an off-the-shelf choice for machinery and solutions for the eco-system. HOMAG India has a straight advantage of horizontal im

Fully automatic panel saw at furniture manufacturer MS Schuon

supplier can deliver high-quality furniture parts to its customers quickly. The cell pays off Managing directors Bettina and Phillip Schuon are happy with the cutting cell: "We can be sure that everything [...] approximately 1400 cut parts. The performance of the HPS 320 FlexTec depends on the cutting patterns. Homag claims a performance of up to 1500 cut parts per shift. What the FlexTec machine produces today with

Stepping up the pace of production

emotions into custom wood, glass and metal structures is at the heart of what we do," stresses Managing Director and proprietor Karl Löffl. Rolf Rissel Objekteinrichtungen was founded in 2003 from a predecessor [...] this system, it was clear: We had to work together with HOMAG to achieve the same thing." The organization already had a history of working with HOMAG: Since 2016, the Spandau-based company has been working [...] materials, for which it uses an 80 mm saw blade projection," reports Thomas Nesemeier, Sales Manager North at the HOMAG Group. Speeds of 130 m/min on the saw carriage and 90 m/min on the program fence enable


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