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The “Extreme” line of sander from Alpha-Brush bring to the market a very easy to operation brush sanding machine. Touch Screen HMI, recipe-based programming. Each sanding head has it one independent drive and height adjustment. Industrial grade options at Market Entry investment.

The Extreme CBD 1350mm working width brush sander bring to the user industrial grade build quality at Market Entry invest. Alpha-Brush sander are engineered, designed and build in Denmark. The configuration “C” cross sanding head, “B” barrel sanding had and “D” disk sanding head. Give the full range of multiple direction cutting to achieve the best possible results in the design. With vacuum and roller hold downs, small work pieces can be fed for sanding. The brush sanding strip are supplied in dual grit. With N.1 set of abrasive, the user can sand raw material with 180grit. The simply changing the rotation of the sanding heads, lacquer (sealer, primer...) sanding can be achieved


3 head brush sanders, working width 1350mm.

Cross – Barrel – Disk configuration. Dual or Single Grit sanding strips.

Great Entry Market machine for small to medium wood shops.