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HOMAG Treff 2024: Where sawdust flies and inspiration lands

for getting started: Optimized standard configuration of the SAWTEQ S-300 / S-400 flexTec robot saw Cutting forward: The SAWTEQ S-300 combines performance, speed and reliable technology with intelligence [...] panel processing is the machine combination of saws (SAWTEQ S-320 flexTec and SAWTEQ S-300), storage system (STORETEQ P-300) and nesting (CENTATEQ N-210). Presentation by customers PAN+ARMBRUSTER GmbH and Denkinger [...] meeting in Holzbronn Perfect solution for getting started: Optimized robot saw SAWTEQ S-300 / S-400 flexTec The SAWTEQ S-300 / S-400 flexTec robot saws have an integrated robot and are technically designed in

Even more efficient at the edge!

center BOF 211 (today comparable to CENTATEQ P-210) and a panel dividing saw HPP300/43 (today comparable to SAWTEQ B-300) and a sanding machine SWT535. Short digital paths - more efficiency at the edge

The Swift Group partners with HOMAG

become the largest manufacturer of caravans and holiday homes in the UK. With a turnover in excess of £300 million, it is the only company making leisure homes that operates in all three sectors of the market [...] Concept 2 nesting CNCs with scissor tables. For the high output saw cell Swift ordered a SAWTEQ B-300 angular panel dividing saw. This saw is designed to handle high volumes with maximum precision in [...] bander which provides both PUR and airTec glue options. This cell was finished off with a LOOPTEQ O-300 automated return system for speed and efficiency. James Turner takes up the story again, “Delivery

Faster delivery times thanks to new HOMAG CNC processing centers

programs are compatible." Around five years ago, Wiemer acquired the panel dividing saw SAWTEQ B-300 (formerly: HPL 300), equipped with a lifting table and automatic feed, which allowed the company to significantly [...] there is a wide variety of unique designs. Wiemer's showroom consists of two floors over an area of 300 m². Here, creative ideas and solutions for drugstore designs are presented. The two owners, Olaf Wiemer

Panel Dividing: new machines and software solutions provide even greater flexibility and efficiency

for maximum utilization factor NEW: SAWTEQ B-300 flexTec/B-400 flexTec with improved performance — now with up to 1000 parts per shift. With the SAWTEQ B-300 flexTec and SAWTEQ B-400 flexTec series, HOMAG [...] addition, the new models allow more flexibility and ensure an even higher level of quality. The SAWTEQ B-300 flexTec and SAWTEQ B-400 flexTec robot saws enjoys popularity worldwide thanks to their flexible use


the exhibition At the exhibition, our company will present: Planing and molding machine MOULDTEQ M-300 Optimization line for cross cutting Salvador SUPERPUSH 200 OPTIMUS Solutions from WEINMANN and partners

EPIMEX in-house Exhibiton

CabinetCreator, intelliDivide, TAPIO etc. 20. - 22. October Cutting HOMAG panel dividing saw SAWTEQ B-300, optimalization software, Cutting production set from HOMAG 27. - 29. October CNC CabinetCreator, 3D

Wagner Möbel Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG

storage (now: STORETEQ S-200). The workpieces are then edged on the KDF 670 (now: EDGETEQ S-300) with the LOOPTEQ O-300 automatic return and all further processing such as miters or processing of the partition

HOMAG delivers quality and service to Rokitch Kitchens

from brands that are sold through distributorships.” HOMAG SAWTEQ B-300 and EDGETEQ S-240 “Once we placed the order for the SAWTEQ B-300 and EDGETEQ S-240 machines, HOMAG took over. As you would expect from

WEINMANN solutions for timber construction

FEEDBOT W-500 robot automatically places panels on the framework. In conjunction with the new WALLTEQ M-300 multifunction bridge, this creates a flexible and autonomous production cell. The robot and multifunction [...] in place on the framework. Flexible and profitable production of small quantities The new WALLTEQ M-300 is ideally tailored to the needs of woodworking shops and meets the increasing requirements with regard


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