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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 170.

New features in the HOMAG CNC software (Basis: NCCenter 1.22)

example, those caused by programming errors – can be detected in advance and avoided. NCCenter – The main operation for CNC machines In the new NCCenter version 1.22, you can import and export

Portrait of an employee: Klaus Fickler

and was considered "unnecessary." That has changed massively since the introduction of the Industry 4.0 strategy. Today, data models, data and software are essential for controlling machines in manufacturing [...] work. What's more, the work is always done in a team as the far-reaching requirements of Industry 4.0, batch size 1 production and mass customization are increasingly becoming too much for one individual

SCHULER Consulting at HOMAG Treff

Power Workshop Information Flow Expanding the possibilities of Industry 4.0 ? Want to i dentify digitalization opportunities for the future? SCHULER Consulting provides precise support in the selection

Dividend rises to EUR 1.01

paying out a dividend of EUR 1.01 per share to its shareholders for fiscal year 2015 (prior year: EUR 0.40). The corresponding resolution was passed at the annual general meeting of HOMAG Group AG in Freudenstadt

HOMAG in China: Your High-Tech and Innovation Partner for Furniture Production

site. Thus, companies in China are also in the process of realizing their own vision of Industry 4.0 (Made in China 2025). Networked machines in the factories work using interlinked processes, with an

Drilling- and Fitting Insertion

drilling spindles ensure dynamic batch size one manufacturing. Watchlist Details Results from 0 to 0 of 0 Show more Show less [...] and Dowel inserting Machines CNC Drilling and Routing Machining Centers Througfeed Drilling Machines 0 results Reset all No matching products found CNC Drilling and Routing Machining Centers Drilling and

Customer Magazine performance – issue 16 | 2017

Robotics Breaking into new markets: Solid wood for New Zealand - XLam NZ News Blow-in technology 4.0: Quantum leap in timber work Multifunction bridge WMS 060 - Entry into automated timber frame construction

HOMAG Group remains on track

503.6 Order backlog* 371.5 323.7 371.5 323.7 Sales revenue 249.8 225.8 504.1 430.5 EBIT 9.6 8.9 21.0 14.6 Net profit for the period (after non-controlling interests) 6.5 4.9 10.6 7.4 * New calculation [...] percent to EUR 504.1 million (prior year: EUR 430.5 million). EBIT increased by 44 percent to EUR 21.0 million (prior year: EUR 14.6 million). The net profit for the period after non-controlling interests

Paradigm shift in furniture manufacturing in the Middle Kingdom

time of production start-up: the complete data. Industry 4.0 and MIC 2025 One of the impulses for this development was the idea of Industry 4.0 from the German-speaking world. While in China the government [...] market leadership aims to have been achieved. While in Germany the development towards "Industry 4.0" has already been progressing more or less rapidly for several years, a large number of companies in

Networked Workshop (Part 2): Ready for the Future in Three Steps

network your workshop and therefore embrace the "Industry 4.0" trend is a step in the right direction. In addition, the topic of "Industry 4.0" and thus the digitalization of production processes is being [...] perspective often helps when it comes to intelligently and efficiently tackling the topic of Industry 4.0 and therefore the digitalization of production processes without the need for gimmicks. The different


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