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Searched for "s-500". Found 131 results in 352 milliseconds.

Displaying results 61 to 70 of 131.

Aquapac Furniture invests in HOMAG woodCAD|CAM software

we’ve bought the woodCAD|CAM software and are using it with several HOMAG machines including the BHX 500. “The machines we had prior to HOMAG coming on board just weren’t up to the demands our increased business [...] them, they simply couldn’t keep up. We were experiencing more down time than anything else and that’s why we decided to move to HOMAG who offer the bigger, more powerful and reliable industrial machines [...] enables us to process smaller batches through our factory. “The main reason for us buying the BHX 500 and the software was to allow us to quote on more contract furniture work, but we also wanted to enter

Smart Manufacturing:Indonesian Furniture Manufacturer Furnindo

past 26 years. Established at the beginning of 2016 in Tangerang, Java, Furnindo’s factory currently spans around 5,500 square meters and employs a strength of about 40 staff members. Before the establishment [...] AVIP’s demands was a major goal that Furnindo was set up to fulfil, it was important that the machinery purchased were able to significantly increase production capacity. According to Tim, HOMAG’s panel [...] around 2%. Since Furnindo’s output is project based and made-to-order, the production of smaller batches is not uncommon – even down to one or two units. Here, their use of HOMAG’s wood CAD|CAM software (now

HYMER: Machine Monitoring as basis for a cultural change

requires a change of corporate culture. “My boss once said: It is better for 500 people to take one step, than for one person to take 500 steps”, Dittus reports. And this is exactly what HYMER would like to achieve: [...] Kitchens, bathroom furniture, wardrobes and seats are manufactured according to the individual client’s configuration. In the wooden part production, components are formatted and drilled on 10 nesting CNC [...] recorded by MMR Basic and logged in the machine database. With the procurement of a new HOMAG CENTATEQ P-500 (previously BMG 511) nesting machine in 2017, HYMER made a conscious decision in favour of purchasing

Allengray Kitchens increase volumes with HOMAG edgebander

new edge bander and Charles came back to us recommending the EDGETEQ S-380 with a LOOPTEQ O-300 and XES 200 service station.” EDGETEQ S-380 edge bander with LOOPTEQ O-300 and XES 200 service station “One [...] studios in Essex, Kent, Suffolk and London. “We manufacture anything from one-off bespoke pieces to 500 or more items of furniture,” explains, Ben Hooper, a director of the business. He continues, “Since [...] results, however, we needed to process higher volumes of work. “We had recently added a HOMAG BHX 500 CNC to work alongside the BHX 200 CNC that had already increased our capacity. These two machines working

Multi Rip Saws

Multi rip saw SAWTEQ M-500 / 320 / 330: Longitudinal division in line with requirements Single-row or double-row configurations Watchlist Details Multi Rip Saws Multi rip saw SAWTEQ M-500: Throughfeed sawing [...] Saws Multi rip saw SAWTEQ M-500: Longitudinal division of large panel materials The path to increased profitability Watchlist Details Multi Rip Saws Multi rip saw SAWTEQ M-500: Longitudinal division of panels [...] zagranicznej) Dürr Group Services Sp. z o.o. Giussano, Italy Addetto/a di Back Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH Lemgo,

Hammonds Furniture invests in HOMAG

opportunity to see HOMAG’s CNC routers in action at the HOMAG UK showroom and the Treff open day in Germany. We found this very beneficial as not only were we able to see HOMAG’s routers operating in a live [...] Hammonds Furniture explains, “The business has grown phenomenally over the past 90 years and this year’s turnover of £90 million reflects this. Whilst our staff numbers and operation sites have advanced with [...] operation. “Therefore, we decided to invest in a HOMAG Vantage 100 CNC nesting router (now CENTATEQ N-500) with push-off device. The nesting router has a feed station that allows up to 25 sheets of MDF to

Handling and storage systems

zagranicznej) Dürr Group Services Sp. z o.o. Giussano, Italy Addetto/a di Back Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH Schopfloch [...] feeding of the machine. WEINMANN Handling and storage systems timber construction Roboter FEEDBOT W-500 Automatisiertes Auflegen von Platten auf das Riegelwerk Liefert passgenaue Ergebnisse durch hohen [...] Mitarbeitern Watchlist Details WEINMANN Handling and storage systems timber construction Robot FEEDBOT F-500 Automated insertion of studs and belts in the frame work Delivers tailor-made results thanks to a high

Panel Storage Systems

and stacking system Watchlist Details Feed and Stacking Feed and stacking system FEEDTEQ L-500 | STACKTEQ L-500 Compact feed and stacking system Watchlist Details Results from 0 to 0 of 0 Show more Show [...] zagranicznej) Dürr Group Services Sp. z o.o. Giussano, Italy Addetto/a di Back Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH Lemgo, [...] directly a your HOMAG saw Watchlist Details New Storage Systems Storage system STORETEQ P-300 | P-500 Transparent storage management Optimal material flow and consumption up to offcuts Low search times

Goldbach Kirchner: One of the most up-to-date Industry 4.0 plants

execution system, 12 new machines, 1,500 square meters of space. All combined to create a fully networked, highly flexible batch size 1 furniture production for Goldbach Kirchner’s interior fitting firm based in


Whach the video and experience how item automates its panel handling with the storage system STORETEQ S-500. Please confirm that when you use YouTube, data such as your IP address, browser identifier and similar [...] Activate YouTube » Privacy Policy The QA65 application unit on the EDGETEQ S-200. Achieve industrial quality even with our smallest EDGETEQ S-200 edge banding machine thanks to the new application unit with servo [...] Assistant Dürr Group Services Sp. z o.o. Giussano, Italy Addetto/a di Back Office Service HOMAG Italia S.P.A. Schopfloch, Germany Ausbildung Elektroniker für Betriebstechnik (m/w/d) 2025 HOMAG GmbH All Jobs


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