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Searched for "HOMAG K32 Panel Saw". Found 372 results in 16 milliseconds.

Displaying results 51 to 60 of 372.

Joinery Daxenberger: Enthusiastic about the horizontal storage system TLF 211 right from the beginning

more effective in order to remain successful on the market. The HOMAG Automation horizontal storage system TLF 211 and the HOLZMA panel saw have been the perfect solution for this purpose. The results are [...] feeding of the saw through the horizontal storage system TLF 211. So, the panels are just-in-time available for further processing. Whether thin parts from a thickness of 8 mm or large panels up to a length [...] stack spacings, whether for new panels or for offcut management. Furthermore, the scanning of bar-codes provides a quick integration of panels into the system. Even offcut panels are integrated in the storage

Panel cutting in batch size 1 combined with high throughput

level." After all, he had been using a Holzma HPP 530 plus automatic panel storage unit from Homag Automation; a high-performance saw-storage combination with a high throughput. Book cutting was the name [...] that is all when it comes to restrictions. After an individual panel has been delivered fully automatically from the panel storage to the saw, complex cutting patterns from the Cut Rite optimization software [...] magazine BM, 12 / 2016, Joinery business Voit takes a new approach to panel cutting: quality plus quantity Panel cutting has been completely overhauled at production specialist Voit. The joinery

Fully automatic batch size one production at the kitchen manufacturer

"alternative production processes" three years ago. At LIGNA 2015, the managers saw the first robotic panel saw manufactured by Homag. They never imagined, however, that this very machine would one day form the [...] for single panels and automatically positions the half-format panels on the cutting line of the saw using robust clamps. The robot is responsible for all of the part handling within the saw. The parts [...] Sachsenküchen has achieved remarkable results with a cutting cell combined with the HPS 320 flexTec panel dividing saw used for cutting in batch size 1. Visitors can see these results for themselves at Sachsenküchen's

Batch size 1 at furniture factory Rudolf

the company installed an automatic panel storage system with a downstream HOMAG HKL 380 angular saw unit (now SAWTEQ B-300) for cutting. A HPP 200 pressure beam saw with manual feed (now SAWTEQ B-200) [...] flow of materials over an area of 10,000 m². The HOMAG SAWTEQ B-320 flexTec robot-saw cell, which was specially developed for cutting individual panels and boasts highly efficient, fully automatic processes [...] cutting individual panels, which offered highly efficient, fully automatic processes. Thanks to the use of a robot, panels can be cut longitudinally and transversely with just one saw in a fully automatic

SAWTEQ S-300 flexTec robot saw in use at Neue Räume GmbH

time the order was placed to commissioning the saw and the connected storage system. Although the saw can cut panels of more than 4.0 meters, the panels at NR Küchen are usually 2.80 x 2.10 meters in size [...] flexTec from Homag. This saw is exactly what we need to prevent any bottlenecks from arising and to enable us to achieve our growth targets in the medium- and long-term," says Wahl. The saw features an [...] production over longer distances. Alternatively, the saw can be operated manually as usual, making it very flexible to suit your requirements. The saw is equipped with the CADmatic machine control unit,

Cutting Software Downloads

at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China Golden Field Ltd. HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global H [...] Double End Tenoners Edgeband material remaining length calculator Panel Dividing & Cutting Panel Dividing Saws Multi Rip Saws Cross-Cut Saws Panel Storage Systems House Construction Carpentry Machines Assembly [...] er Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Service Software Downloads

Retail Design Consultants partners with HOMAG

we settled on the HOMAG SAWTEQ B-130 and the EDGETEQ S-240 models. We had seen these machines in action at the HOMAG showroom in Castle Donington and also at exhibitions. The HOMAG brand and reputation [...] and SAWTEQ B-130 beam saw “With the majority of our products being panel-based, the edge bander is a critical piece of kit for us. The quality of finish and performance of this HOMAG edge bander are first-class [...] temperamental, but also the finish quality of the processed panels needed to be better. We were experiencing similar problems with the beam saw which was also limited by ageing control software. “Our search

Ocean Kitchens selects HOMAG for its new manufacturing facility

and drilled The package HOMAG put together for Carkus Solutions included the SAWTEQ B-130 panel saw, the EDGETEQ S-240 edge bander and the BHX 055 CNC. The SAWTEQ B-130 panel saw costs hardly any more than [...] like a demonstration or more information about HOMAG edge banders, the DRILLTEQ range of CNC drilling machines or SAWTEQ panel saws, please contact HOMAG UK on 01332 856424. [...] input regarding specifying the right edge bander, one that would deliver seamless edges, and a panel saw that met our needs was invaluable. The package he then worked out for us to buy all three machines

Open heart surgery

are hundreds of wooden panels in a variety of colors and finishes. A vacuum gripper whizzes back and forth across the storage area. It knows exactly where to find the right panel, lowers down onto it, and [...] and then picks it up and places it on the conveyor belt. Shortly afterwards, the saw bites into the wood and cuts the panel into several pieces. The pieces will be used to make furniture that will be used [...] automated robotic saws represent the first successful stage of a major replacement and expansion investment for which Canadian office furniture manufacturer Artopex has commissioned the HOMAG Group. Over a

Simple steps to digitalization – with a sense of proportion

order too many panels," he says that with a smile, as it doesn't happen to him anymore. The same applies to panel cutting, which is performed on a circular saw and an older, horizontal panel saw: previously [...] select the cutting pattern for the first panel and can start work – on the Martin circular saw, for example. The app intelligently guides the user through the sawing process. Once a part is finished, it is [...] online shop: Photos: BM magazine/Christian Närdemann You are interested? Feel free to send an inquiry via the HOMAG eShop… ...or send an e-mail to


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