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Displaying results 441 to 450 of 495.

Investment in the future

was on making Gätke a more flexible company: "To be and to remain flexible, we have to carry out production ourselves." His solution to this was to start automating the process. However, before this step [...] investment required was proportionally low, meaning this solution enables even businesses with smaller production volumes to automate their processes. Walls, ceilings and roofs — everything in one system The carpentry [...] Gätke is already planning additional uses for the WALLTEQ M-120, such as shaping steps and panel cutting. Impressive dimensional accuracy A long startup phase wasn't an option, as there was an important

Launching ahead

assigns a barcode to the cut parts. The barcode contains all the data and information required for subsequent drilling, trimming or edge processing. This process ensures that production and logistics are both [...] wealthy customers fly in by helicopter. As the managing director provides a tour of the modern production and assembly halls, he gives the impression of being a down-to-earth businessman and a passionate [...] to a piece of furniture. With hand and head Craftsmanship is at the heart of Fitz Interior. The production hall is filled with employees wearing orange T-shirts bent over work tables. All totally dedicated

Edge banding machines — new equipment variants ensure even greater flexibility and efficiency

the workpieces safely below the top roll pressure unit. The moving gantry ensures precise parallel cuts — a prerequisite for achieving correct angles. This means that even rough-edged workpieces can be [...] with the abundance of available functions. It goes without saying that an overall increase in productivity will be achieved. Efficient, reliable and flexible: the new woodCommander generation woodCommander

Double-End Tenoner TENONTEQ S/D-800: for furniture and component production

Single-sided and double-sided power machines for specialized requirements Whether you are processing large or small quantities, completing profiling work on panels, completing inner or outer profiling

HOMAG helps Atlas Washrooms almost double capacity

beam saw with a label printer. This enables us to cut the boards and label all the sized panels so they can easily be traced throughout the production process.” High quality, reliability and great service [...] market sectors. The strong company is customer-focused and takes great pride in supplying first-class products on time and within budget, using only the highest quality materials, components and machinery in [...] foundation to build the successful business we have today. Prior to getting that saw we suffered with production disruptions because of unreliable machinery. So, in 2011, when we needed to add another saw to

Custom-made flexible workflow

relatively manageable production period," explains Florian Hegar. This goal was achieved with flying colors in Bonndorf: After the investment in the automated production line, production capacity doubled. [...] element production table. "Even in this area, we never fell below the manual production numbers. I am sure that within one year we will achieve significantly higher quantities with the new production line [...] in the Black Forest region had prepared the automation of its element production so well that the commissioning of the new production line was practically just a formality. Founded in 1995 by Bernhard Hegar

Shaping the future together

the productivity could be increased significantly. Detailed capacity planning prior to the final production call-offs made it possible to react in good time to bottlenecks in certain production processes [...] flexible and highly automated production cells. The sorting process of the fronts has also been successfully automated. Burger always relies on smart individual production cells. In a robot cell, all fronts [...] 350 to 400 units per day. However, it is often possible to cut these defective parts "well" again in order to feed them back into the production process. The aim is to save 40 percent of the doors and fronts

Networked Workshop (Part 2): Ready for the Future in Three Steps

Networking the office and production Optimizing process planning and automating the creation of production data Optimizing production processes Networking the Office and Production Firstly, the necessary [...] queries are avoided too. Optimizing the Production Processes In the future, the organization of production will be increasingly supported by software: from production planning and capacity planning to order [...] digitalization of production processes is being heavily promoted from many different perspectives — be it from the economy, politics, media, competition or end customers. The production systems in the carpentry

storage system TLF 211 - HOMAG Group

ion of the storage system, Euroline could not only increase their safety but also their productivity. Production manager Daniel Buchanan explains why, “We reduce our forklift work by 80 per cent. The time [...] handling necessary. The TLF sets the program a night before, picks orders over night and is ready for production the next morning. Furthermore, stock-keeping is managed as needed as well as offcuts managed a [...] panels into the system. Even offcut panels are integrated in the storage and can be used for further cutting. Thus, the sophisticated material management reduces offcuts. The management of stock is the biggest

Pionier des industrialisierten Bauens in Brasilien

construction systems. Through production in a controlled environment, with the support of an automated production line, it is possible to achieve levels of quality, safety and productivity that increase the efficiency [...] Its first production started in 2010 with a small factory, initially focused on high-end housing in the B2C market. With handcraft operations and low production scale, it was possible to validate the [...] Innovation Manager at Tecverde, describes the significance of this development: “This product occupies most of the production portfolio of the new factory and positioned Tecverde as the leader in multi-story


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