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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 469.

LIVE.HOMAG: Apps and digital building blocks: practical tools for workshops.

it eliminates the need to search for the offcuts. Digital solutions: try them out free of charge. The following applies to all HOMAG apps and digital components: Every company can easily try out the new [...] workshop. HOMAG accompanies a complete piece of furniture through the workshop and uses all the digital aids that have been developed so far: from configuring a piece of furniture and optimizing the cutting [...] annual plan. This allows each business to start with individual blocks and add more if required. All digital solutions are used directly in an Internet browser or as an app on a laptop or tablet. This means

Increased investment and automation | Market report India

In these cases we support our customers by showing new digital ways to a more autonomous production. With the right mindset and the right digital tools, this is not as difficult as is often expected. In [...] software, we also provide our customers with practical support in implementing their digital strategy, i.e. integrating digital tools into the existing IT system landscape. Although we clearly perceive the trend [...] from analogue to digital production will definitely be one of the focal points of our presence at Indiawood 2022 (02-06.06.2022). Here we will also present our powerful method of digital value stream op

Berufskolleg: Unparalleled networking of the training workshop

is where modern machines from HOMAG are used, in addition to apps and digital assistants . Everything from A to Z: From the digital job folder, productionManager , to intelliDivide Cutting cutting optimization [...] during final acceptance, feedback is sent to the digital job folder via a tablet or scanner. Continuous feedback means that the order status in the digital job folder can be viewed in real time at all times [...] Daniel Schulze Zumloh, a teacher for technicians and aspiring carpenters, has integrated the apps and digital assistants into the process together with workshop manager Sven Huesmann: Starting with CAD design

Bye bye blackboxes – How to increase transparency in your production

In Digital Value Stream Optimization, we use external sensor technology that makes it possible to collect production data regardless of machine type, machinery manufacturer, or area of application - and [...] develop targeted optimization measures for your value stream. 2021 Schuler Consulting launched the "Digital Value Stream Optimisation". How was the topic received by the industry? We first approached selected [...] compromises in production in terms of machine types, manufacturers, year of construction, etc. The digital value stream can be connected to anything - from the manual workstation to the machine line and from

TOP 100 Award: HOMAG Group is one of the most innovative companies

among other things, the HOMAG Group's new "Digital Factory", in which new digital products are defined and developed. These include, for example, the digital user interface "intelliGuide". It indicates [...] more and more systems to be simulated in a virtual system before they are even built. With this digital twin, the functionality of the entire system can be tested before the actual installation, which

HOMAG Treff 2022 in Holzbronn: Together again

stacks created. Solutions for the digital future The interest in digital solutions for wood processing was evident at the HOMAG Treff. But what do tomorrow's digital woodworking shops look like? Here too [...] components. HOMAG doesn't rely on machines and plants alone. By using apps and digital assistants to organize production digitally, obstacles in everyday working life can be easily avoided and the service offering [...] too, HOMAG presented efficient and innovative solutions to its visitors. In addition to the digital job folder, the productionManager and the new woodCommander 5 operator software with 3D workpiece simulation

Digital Support Apps

machine. Contact Service now! Apps and digital assistants for your workshop Learn all about how digital assistants can help in practice. Click here to visit Videos Please confirm that when [...] Directions What are you looking for? Search Digital support: Future-proof your machines with our Apps etc. > HOMAG Service Fast Support Digital Support Apps serviceAssist — Find solutions independently [...] derive measures necessary for your production. MMR Mobile twinio — Digital tool monitoring With twinio, you can manage your tools digitally. This gives you a quick and easy overview of your tools, on your

The digital job folder brings transparency to the workshop

work preparation department, in production or tasked with assembly at the customer's premises, the digital job folder now gives everyone access to all information about each job in real time. But that's not [...] allows you to bundle all the information about a single job centrally. Carpenters/joiners can use the digital job folder to gather all production-relevant data in one place, replacing numerous paper documents [...] system, into the productionManager app. Alternatively, the user can create the data directly in the digital job folder. From this point on, any employee with a laptop or tablet at hand can access the data:

Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting - the brand new series

HOMAG for panel cutting. Get to know intelliDivide Cutting as part of the "Digital Insight" series and find out what this digital solution has in store for you! Episode 1: Get to know the optimization software [...] parts lists and manage your machine parameters? Episode 3: Create panel data In the third episode "Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting", everything revolves around the topic of panel data. Product [...] Why are templated needed at all? Episode 5: Comparison and use of results In the last episode "Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting", another exciting topic awaits you: How are several solutions

#PeopleBehindTheBrand Emmanuel Pseftoudis

How important is digitalization in Australia and thus the digital products of the HOMAG Group? Emmanuel Pseftoudis: We are at early stages here in Australia in regard to Digitalization this will improve [...] mastering them successfully? Emmanuel Pseftoudis: Skilled labour shortages, needing machinery and digital solutions to help customers improve their output without the need of skilled workforce. HOMAG is [...] improve in time with demand. For me, digitalization means faster response time when machine breaks down, or offering solution on how to fix the problem yourself creating less down time. Tool maintenance will


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