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SAWTEQ B-320 flexTec robot saw solves bottleneck

which jobs are cut separately or combined into a batch. "The cut batches are then released in order via three setup positions," explains Wyrsch. "Behind the saw, there is another slot for cutting. If this slot [...] required for production has also been imported onto the machines via the Intranet, with Cut Rite from Homag taking over cutting optimization. "We are currently implementing an MES system so that we can bundle [...] based on orders." This also applies to cutting, where the company has been using a SAWTEQ B-320 flexTec robot saw from Homag since mid-2021. Until then, cutting was regularly a bottleneck in terms of capacity


a machine's entire service life! Updates and upgrades? E.g. our woodWOP application software or Cut Rite optimization software Click here to start modernizing your machines Need a Service contact? Find [...] banding machines Double End Tenoners Edgeband material remaining length calculator Panel Dividing & Cutting Panel Dividing Saws Multi Rip Saws Panel Storage Systems House Construction Carpentry Machines Assembly [...] Management Service Solutions Software for Timber Construction Software Downloads CNC Software Downloads Cutting Software Downloads MMR Software Downloads Timber Construction Software Downloads Software Finder

Sawing independently in-house – with the robot saw B-300 flexTec

be operated manually, for example, when cutting packages. "The machine covers up to 6 cm," reports Baumgartner. "We cut up to 5 cm and thereby use the package cut time and again." The second key component [...] labeling of each part during cutting. In addition to the "CADmatic 5" control software and the destacking software, the future-oriented joinery also works with the "Cut Rite" optimization tool, which the [...] flexibility, quality and delivery reliability in order processing—also applies in particular to the cutting. In order to meet these requirements, the company uses a saw-storage combination from HOMAG, which

Holzbronn Technology Days 2024 attract numerous visitors

ensures optimum cutting, the use of digital solutions also plays an important role here. With intelliDivide and Cut Rite , HOMAG provides you with powerful solutions for optimum cutting that meet your [...] together and cutting in a predefined arrangement, Direct communication with other apps and digital assistants ensures consistent workflows and uniform data. In addition to the two solutions for cutting to size [...] individual requirements. intelliDivide We've all been there: manually creating cutting patterns creates additional working hours in work preparation that could be put to better use elsewhere. Creating

Norbert Bosch relies on production control system ControllerMES

machine (e.g. cutting, edge processing, CNC). Waste is reduced, thanks to the flexible grouping of orders when batches are formed and the seamless communication with the Cut Rite cutting optimization [...] intelligent data handling in ControllerMES comes into play. The production control system provides the cutting optimization with data, generates the data records required for label printing and edge and CNC

Stepping up the pace of production

Commissioning of the system and training on the use of the CADmatic 5 operating software, the Cut Rite cutting optimization software and the woodStore storage software took place around three months ago [...] This meant that we could only cut a few panels in each shift and for the remaining time the machine was idle," reports Löffl. "Now, the employees know what they want to cut in the afternoon and they enter [...] either. On some days, we had to spend more time moving panels with a forklift truck than we could on cutting. So we were keen to improve performance in storage and sawing." In this case, improving performance

From a wholesaler to a manufacturer of profiles with HOMAG

in the SAP system and forwarded from there to the HOMAG Cut Rite optimization software for work preparation. This is then used to create the cutting pattern and supply the machines with job data. In the [...] great deal of effort producing the new profile system solutions on a simple table trimming machine — cutting was done using a circular saw. In 2019, during the pilot phase, that was okay," Leinert recalls. [...] to exert a great deal of physical effort to place the panel materials on the circular table saw and cut them, then bring the parts to the CNC trimmer, destack everything and store offcuts in between, but

Plenty of potential for healthy growth

identification ensures a continuous flow of information. This means that the HOMAG optimization program Cut Rite can replan all offcuts in subsequent jobs directly. Now, there is almost no material that cannot [...] company uses HOMAG machines at all processing stations. There is also a HOMAG single saw for special cutting tasks, making a total of seven HOMAG machines. The oldest HOMAG unit is an edge banding machine.

Lindinger Holztechnik—Courage for automation & performance class

software. For the proprietor, the software is the “fuel for the machine.” Therefore, in addition to Cut Rite, woodWOP and woodFlex, he also uses ControllerMES. The production progress, utilization and machine [...] This is the case for every one of the networked work processes: contractual trimming, CAD design, cutting, surface handling. Always the latest technology for its partners—right up to shipping. However, the

HOMAG Panel Dividing: Name changes in the panel saw and storage technology sector

required suction power by up to 12% and extends the tool life. In addition, cutting optimization solutions such as Cut Rite and the increase in performance, while maintaining the same level of energy [...] SAWTEQ S-300 and S-400 series with just a few clicks using function+ if required: Cut-outs and stress elimination cuts MMR Professional Data backup on network drive combiTec — if the motorized scoring [...] robots for even more powerful machine processes Measuring system cutting quality — "MSQ" for a reliable and objective evaluation of cutting quality Production simulation as part of the offer ensures individual


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