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INDIAWOOD 2022: Hall 4 | All from one source | HOMAG India

220 - Both a perfect starting point. Edge Banding Machines offer perfect edges for discerning wood manufacturers for panels of all sizes. HOMAG provides first-class edge processing solutions for a wide range [...] applies the glue directly on to the edge banding material. The coil-cut off device is either activated by foot pedal, or, for serial production, by pre-selecting the edge length via digital length counter [...] We are looking ahead forward: Among other things, HOMAG India will be presenting solutions for edge banding, panel dividing and CNC-operating. Visitors will also get to know how they can use digital assistants

Berufskolleg: Unparalleled networking of the training workshop

From the digital job folder, productionManager , to intelliDivide Cutting cutting optimization and edge management with the Edgeband Management Set . Daniel Schulze Zumloh, a teacher for technicians and [...] automatically accesses all data from the other apps that are in use. The students create the panel and edge material according to a uniform nomenclature in the materialManager , the app for material management [...] This integration facilitates the work steps during both work preparation and production, because the edge and panel material can be easily accessed during production. The students call up the data directly

When a progressive furniture production concept becomes reality

are created. After cutting, the parts are fed to the edge banding machines in O-mode where they receive up to four edges. Regardless of dimension or edge color, the edgebander receives the parameters of the [...] activities required reliable information for each individual part. Every machine - from the saw to the edge bander and the automatic drill – requires unique data, which had to be regenerated and provided for [...] defined for all parts in the “Wood Factory” system, for example, controlling the right aggregates on the edge banding machine or diverting specialized parts to different machines and systems. The software provides

HOMAG’s airTec system produces perfect edges for Atelier Joinery

issues arise.” Edge Bander EDGETEQ S-240 airTec “It was these two advantages that clinched the deal for us and with the help of HOMAG’s Jon Lawman we settled on the EDGETEQ S-240 airTec edge bander. With [...] become more discerning and demanding. One area that was causing us concern was the quality of our edge banding which we felt had the potential to let us down, particularly when using plain colours where [...] benefits that convinced us that HOMAG offered the perfect solution for Atelier. Firstly, its airTec edging system was mighty impressive when we saw it demonstrated at HOMAG’s Castle Donington showroom. Even

Nesting and edging - HOMAG Group

says. The competitive edge For even better results, they decided to invest in the hot air unit airTec. Hot air systems, such as Brandt’s airTec, are simple techniques where the edge and work piece are joined [...] air. Special edge materials which consist of a hard décor layer and a meltable functional layer need to be used. The functional layer is melted by the airTec activation unit and the edge is pressed onto [...] work piece. “With airTec, there’s no glue line on white gloss boards. This gives you the competitive edge which was the reason for the purchase,” Matthew says. If the airTec unit is not needed, it can be

Hazlin of Ludlow improves manufacturing efficiencies with HOMAG

LOOPTEQ return system “The second area where we were looking to gain improvements in efficiencies was edge banding. Our existing machine was nearly 20 years old and required five people to operate it when [...] capacity. “We sat down with Jon Lawman, our contact at HOMAG, and briefed him on what we wanted the edge bander to deliver. He came back with a very thorough proposal for the specification at a competitive [...] with just two operators, giving us further labour efficiencies. “The new machine has the potential to edge doors up to 76 mm thick with solid wood lipping. This is very important for us as many of our doors

Alexander Cleghorn moves towards a single supply chain with HOMAG

factory. “As far as the laser edging capability is concerned, this new technology was something we’d been considering for some time. We already had a HOMAG high-speed KFL 612 edge bander with an automated feed [...] HOMAG for the right advice and support.” The need for a new saw, a vertical drilling CNC and laser edging technology “Even though we lean towards a single supplier, we always research what the market has [...] that a key aspect to achieving the standards required for these products was a move to shaped laser edging; a technology which consistently delivers an almost invisible join. Working closely with HOMAG, we

Growing together. A portrait of Walter Bosch GmbH.

started with the edge. In 1964, edge banding machine number 6 from HOMAG laid the foundation for later success. "At the trade fair in Hanover, my father purchased one of the first edge banding machines [...] Fifty-six years later, production uses exclusively HOMAG machines: from the saw, through the CNC to the edge banding. At the core is a KFL 610 profiLine (now: EDGETEQ S-800) with robot return. When asked if

Carlick keeps pace with a HOMAG return system and edgebander cell

including two edge banders, a CNC machining centre and two beam saws. “We recently upgraded our capital equipment and installed a HOMAG LOOPTEQ O-300 and EDGETEQ S-500 to replace an ageing edge banding machine [...] new software in the EDGETEQ is brilliant as it gives us more flexibility to swap and change between edge tape sizes and different uses. This enables us to manufacture a variety of products to bespoke re

Thomas Johnstone invests in HOMAG

five boards at a time. “The difference with the new HOMAG KDF 650 edge bander is night and day. It actually runs slower than our previous edge bander, but it saves us time which sounds contradictory, but the [...] replacement. At the same time, however, we were experiencing increasing levels of unreliability with our edge bander, so we decided to bite the bullet and replace that too. “Later in the evaluation process, HOMAG [...] really stood out. “The final package we agreed with HOMAG included an HPP 300 beam saw, and KDF 650 edge bander and the BHX 050 CNC drilling machine. We also decided to go down the barcode route and purchased


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