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HOMAG Group with significant increase in sales revenue and earnings

Positive business development in the first nine months of 2022 Schopfloch, November 10, 2022. The HOMAG Group continues to record a positive business development and was able to significantly increase sales [...] sales revenue and earnings in the first nine months of 2022. In the first three quarters of 2022, the HOMAG Group’s order intake increased again slightly year-on-year by 4 percent to EUR 1,418 million (previous [...] current fiscal year is a great success.” Demand was particularly strong in North America, where the HOMAG Group was able to grow by around 50 percent. Due to the high order intake, the order backlog increased

Entry level wide belt sander from HOMAG raises bar for Dominic As

would allow us to process larger parts.” HOMAG fits the bill “Having seen the various wide belt sanders in action, the one that impressed us most was the HOMAG SWT 124 (SANDTEQ W-100). With an 1100 mm [...] equipment we experienced the odd teething issue, but hats off to HOMAG, these were sorted quickly and efficiently. All in all, our experience with HOMAG has been excellent and they will certainly be at the top [...] replacing other woodworking machinery,” concludes a delighted Dominic Ash. HOMAG entry-level solutions The space-saving design of the HOMAG SANDTEQ W-100 Series includes easy access to all functions to make changing

Furniture Production

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search [...] Studies Awards Newsletter Exhibitions & Events Fairs & Events Webinars @ Live.HOMAG Media Videos Customer Magazine About Us HOMAG Group Mission Statement Executive & Supervisory Board History & Innovations

Extraordinary general meeting of HOMAG Group AG

Today's extraordinary general meeting of HOMAG Group AG in Freudenstadt approved the domination and profit and loss transfer agreement between HOMAG Group AG and Dürr Technologies GmbH as controlling company [...] company. Ralph Heuwing, CEO of HOMAG Group emphasizes: “With this agreement between HOMAG and Dürr, we now have a legally reliable framework in place and will be able to cooperate, exchange information [...] guarantee the future; actual results including the financial position and the profitability of the HOMAG Group as well as the development of economic and regulatory framework conditions may deviate significantly

In conversation with Mr. Venkataramana Gorti at IndiaWood 2020

engagement with the customers. woodandpaneleurope: HOMAG is a global company. Where does HOMAG place India as a market? Mr. Venkataramana Gorti: For HOMAG, India is one of the key focus areas and that can [...] interested to see what kind of solutions HOMAG give with respect to IoT, VR and AR. There is a lot of curiosity and interest in investing there. And that’s where HOMAG can really play a big role because we [...] So looking at all the interactions I had with the customers with respect to what they expect from HOMAG on the product portfolio, on the solutions and the result of that is, we can see an introduction of

Dividend rises to EUR 1.01

HOMAG Group AG is paying out a dividend of EUR 1.01 per share to its shareholders for fiscal year 2015 (prior year: EUR 0.40). The corresponding resolution was passed at the annual general meeting of HOMAG [...] HOMAG Group AG in Freudenstadt. The dividend of EUR 1.01 corresponds in terms of its amount to the net guaranteed dividend that will be paid in the future. The guaranteed dividend was arranged in the course [...] majority. The CFO of Dürr, Mr. Ralph Heuwing, who had been appointed to the Supervisory Board of the HOMAG Group by order of the court in October 2015, was confirmed as a member of the Supervisory Board by


Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search [...] Studies Awards Newsletter Exhibitions & Events Fairs & Events Webinars @ Live.HOMAG Media Videos Customer Magazine About Us HOMAG Group Mission Statement Executive & Supervisory Board History & Innovations

Drilling- and Fitting Insertion

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] Contact ContactFinder ServiceFinder Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search [...] Studies Awards Newsletter Exhibitions & Events Fairs & Events Webinars @ Live.HOMAG Media Videos Customer Magazine About Us HOMAG Group Mission Statement Executive & Supervisory Board History & Innovations

Software Finder

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] er Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Software Software [...] Studies Awards Newsletter Exhibitions & Events Fairs & Events Webinars @ Live.HOMAG Media Videos Customer Magazine About Us HOMAG Group Mission Statement Executive & Supervisory Board History & Innovations

Element construction

Sustainability at the Dürr Group Locations HOMAG Asia HOMAG Australia and New Zealand HOMAG Canada HOMAG China HOMAG India HOMAG Japan HOMAG Korea HOMAG Thailand HOMAG UK Stiles Machinery Global Headquarters [...] er Our Locations HOMAG Deutschland Homagstrasse 3 - 5 72296 Schopfloch Deutschland +49 5245 92 200 (DE) Directions What are you looking for? Search HOMAG Topics Timber Construction [...] Studies Awards Newsletter Exhibitions & Events Fairs & Events Webinars @ Live.HOMAG Media Videos Customer Magazine About Us HOMAG Group Mission Statement Executive & Supervisory Board History & Innovations


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