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Searched for "0609 Edge banding machines". Found 329 results in 16 milliseconds.

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Staverton (UK) Ltd sees 40 percent capacity increase with HOMAG

proved to be an excellent choice. For edge banding, he suggested the EDGETEQ S-300 with a LOOPTEQ O-300 automatic return system and XES 200 glue station. The S-300 edge bander is equipped with the latest [...] the best machine manufacturer to partner with. Although we had a long-standing history with HOMAG, we evaluated two other Italian manufacturers before making the final decision. “Obviously, machine build [...] the XES glue station have further improved our throughput speed. The LOOPTEQ system means the edge banding cell is now a one man operation. Meanwhile the glue station enables us to eliminate downtime

Retail Furniture - HOMAG Automation TLF 211 storage system

Retail Furniture the edge “Our most recent investment has been a 5-axis CNC machine. In 2002, we purchased a HOMAG BAZ 41 CNC with an edge banding capability built-in. As good a machine as it was, it was [...] our production. “Consequently, we decided to upgrade that machine, part-exchanging it for the new HOMAG BMG 312 which has the built-in edge banding facility and a 5-axis head. This head was necessary for [...] make, polyurethane edging, which is an injection moulding around table tops. The manufacturing process requires some rebating on the underside of the panel which a standard machine can’t do in one pass

Shaped part edge banding / post-processing machines

shaped parts Find the right solution for the edging and post-processing of your shaped parts. The EDGETEQ T-200 and EDGETEQ T-100 offer a flexible machine concept, enabling both shaped parts and straight

Edge banding machines EDGETEQ D-610 profiLine

High-performance machines offering compact to tailored solutions With the EDGETEQ D-610 profiLine series, you can format, profile and edge your furniture workpieces on two sides in a single run. Double-sided [...] Double-sided machines and machine lines are traditionally used to produce medium to large series at a high performance level with few changeovers.

Across the north with a wide range of services

spring 2022. To mark the anniversary of the edge banding machine, which celebrates its 60th year at HOMAG in 2022, customers were asked about the oldest machines they have that are still active. Phil Papcke [...] to the veneer press, production is also supported by three machines from the HOMAG Group: a KDF 650 C (now EDGETEQ S-380) edge banding machine, a Venture 2M (today comparable to the CENTATEQ P-110) CNC [...] Papcke immediately thought of the company's T-50 table edge banding machine from 1978. A photo was quickly taken and sent in, and, as you can see, they won. A visit to Wilhelmshaven was arranged for an official

No room for rough edges

Users who own a HOMAG edge banding machine with woodCommander 5 machine software can enjoy further benefits. All information about your edgebands is transferred to your machine automatically via the [...] managing the edge material and the edge rolls. The HOMAG CUBE ensures optimal communication between your edge rack, the apps and the user. With the label printer, a label is printed for each edge roll to identify [...] ID of the edge roll, the edge code or the dimensions of the edgeband. Storing the labeled rolls in an organized edge rack saves space and time, as it is no longer a challenge to make quick edge changes or

Edge banding machines EDGETEQ D-810 powerLine: Maximum Power

ance machines The double-sided machines in the EDGETEQ D-810 powerLine series format, profile and edge your furniture workpieces at feed speeds of up to 100 m/min. These high-performance machines are ideal [...] ideal for producing medium to large series. In addition, the excellent productivity level of these machines is best demonstrated when processing heavy components like doors using more complex techniques.

London Pro-Fitters select 3 HOMAG models for new business venture

Mohamed acquired for the new company was the EDGETEQ S-200 edge banding machine. HOMAG’s edge banders are renowned for always producing high quality edge processing. The EDGETEQ S-200 processes workpieces with [...] and space saving vertical CNC wood processing centre was the third machine acquired for the business. A robust and versatile machine, it can be used for drilling, trimming and grooving. It is particularly [...] mention good value for money. “The three HOMAG machines that we’ve invested in have been consistently operating since November 2021. I am delighted with the machines' reliability and operational performance

Edge Banding Machines EDGETEQ S-358

joint trimming unit perfectly formats the panels, and the quick melt gluing unit is ideal for optimal edge adhesion. The snipping unit is equipped with 2 motors and offers a highly precise cut.

Edge banding machines EDGETEQ S-356

usage of edgebanding process. The variety of its working units allows different application for the edge finishing. Joint trimmer guarantees a thin and consistent glue line. Snipping unit and 4 motors profile


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