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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 29.

Focus on flexibility and cost efficiency

future: perfect acrylic edge processing All HOMAG edge banding machines will be presented in Hall 10.0 in a combination of two production concepts or in the special technology area for edge processing. Premiere: [...] sanding chamfers and radii on the bottom/top of veneer edges are now available. Edge banding machines with HOMAG laserTec zero joint quality for perfect edges. Due to patent restrictions, this solution can only [...] Premiere: Greater edge thickness and higher feed speed in the standard model with the EDGETEQ S-200 model 1130 FC The 1130 FC entry-level machine for edge processing offers complete processing of workpieces

It's never been so easy to get started: Becoming a digital workshop with the new HOMAG CUBE.

and tidy? How can I manage stocks of edgebands and find edges quickly? How do I make sure that enough edge material is still available? The edge material and all related information at a glance With the [...] create labels to identify the edges. Easy management: clear management and unique identification of edges in the rack (incl. residual lengths). The system documents edges that are put into and taken out [...] information about their edge material and can quickly find the right edgeband at any time. The functions and benefits of the "Edgeband Management Set”: Complete overview: all edge information is available

CNC-Technology: Almost infinite possibilities

operator is guided precisely via an LED strip. The powerEdge Pro Duo — One for (almost) everything The powerEdge Pro Duo unit raises shaped edge banding on CNC machines to a new level. The "all-round" [...] unit is based on 30 years of experience in CNC edge banding. Thanks to new components and an intelligent control system, with the new powerEdge Pro Duo edge banding unit, users get the perfect result more [...] of the edge are applied precisely — allowing 360° gluing, even for the smallest components. The unit also allows a free switch between conventional gluing with hot-melt glue and precoated edges with a

Production in the digital age

processing shelves, frame parts and much more. powerEdge Pro Duo: Thanks to new components and an intelligent control system, the new powerEdge Pro Duo edge banding unit gives users the perfect result quickly [...] of all the information about their edge material. The edgeband management set manages the edgebands in the HOMAG edgeband rack, documents removals and returns of edges from/to storage and indicates the [...] the storage location, ensures easy edge handling thanks to the HOMAG edgeband packaging and enables labels to be printed to identify the edges. Sorting Production Set : Contains an assistant for sorting

Digital produktion, automatisering og perfekt kantkvalitet med EDGETEQ S-500-serien

kantmateriale er maskinoperatøren enormt fleksibel. Automatisk kantstyring med woodCommander 5 Edge Data Package (Edge Data Plugin + kantbåndsassistent) giver mulighed for at få adgang til et katalog over alle [...] EDGETEQ S-500 profiLine med Edge Data Plugin Performance Kantlimemaskinen EDGETEQ S-500 med en fremføringshastighed på 16-25 m/min. er ekstremt fleksibel, meget automatiseret og udstyret med den nyeste [...] kanthøjde og tilgængelig længde på den valgte kantrulle overføres direkte til maskinen ved hjælp af Edge Data Plugin fra kantbåndsassistentappen. Eventuelle manuelle, redundante mellemtrin til registrering

Endnu mere effektiv på kanten!

meget. Det ser ikke ud til, at der er nogen, der rigtigt har overblik. Løsningen: Edge Data Package – bestående af Edge Data Plugin og kantbåndsassistent (Edgeband Management Set). Dermed får du adgang [...] alt.", siger juniorchef Martin Lechner. Men den store styrke ved woodCommander5 i forbindelse med Edge Data Package ligger i den interne og eksterne dataudveksling: Via den direkte forbindelse mellem maskine

HOMAG Treff i Schopfloch & Holzbronn

PM - 01:30 PM The nesting production process: optimizing, nesting, edge banding, dowelling 02:30 PM - 03:00 PM Material trends for edges, surfaces and fittings: Efficient implementation in practice 03:30 [...] 03:00 PM Material trends for edges, surfaces and fittings: Efficient implementation in practice 03:30 PM - 04:00 PM Digital revolution: Discover groundbreaking opportunities in edge printing with werk33. A [...] interaction of software and machines for an efficient working day 02:30 PM - 03:00 PM Material trends for edges, surfaces and fittings: Efficient implementation in practice 03:30 PM - 04:00 PM Technical presentation:

Automation solutions for carpenters: Small aid with a big impact

system LOOPTEQ — return for economic edge processing As an indispensable aid for economic workpiece return, a LOOPTEQ O-300 is the perfect addition to single-sided edge banding machines. The LOOPTEQ O-300 [...] is particularly easy to combine with an edge banding machine. Install, connect, begin. Extensive training is not required. The perfect addition to single-sided edge banding machines makes the production [...] Even the entry-level model reveals its effectiveness in the smallest of spaces. At the end of the edge processing, the workpiece is transferred to the LOOPTEQ O-300. The workpiece detection identifies

Kantlimemaskiner: Fremtidsorienterede løsninger til snedkere/tømrere i alle ydelsesklasser

kantmateriale håndteringen yderligere. NYHED: Styring af kantdata med woodCommander 5 Med softwaremodulet Edge Data Plugin skaber woodCommander 5 direkte forbindelse mellem maskinstyringen og Kantbåndsassistenten [...] kanthøjde og tilgængelig længde på den valgte kantrulle overføres direkte til maskinen ved hjælp af Edge Data Plugin fra kantbåndassistentens app. For operatøren bortfalder behovet for manuelle og ekstra [...] XES 200, hvis gulvplads kun måler 1 kvadratmeter. Fra og med nu kan også CNC-påføringsenheden powerEdge Pro og Pro Duo gemmes i servicestationen. XES skaber vha. en venturidyse et vakuum uden en vakuumpumpe

Keynote woodCommander 5

The EDGETEQ S-500 series stands for flexible, variable and efficient machines in edge machining. It is now equipped with the woodCommander 5 software, which offers new internal and external possibilities