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Bearbeitungszentren CNC CENTATEQ P-310 -
Fertigung von Türen, Fenstern, Sonderelementen und Ergänzungsprodukten: Die CENTATEQ P-500|600 Baureihe -
Die Baureihe CENTATEQ S-800|900 passt sich in Leistung und Bearbeitungsspektrum Ihren Bedürfnissen an
SORB TECH という重い人工グラナイトをマシンベースに採用したマシニングセンター。機器構成の高い柔軟性を活かし、窓、特殊材、補助製品の製造に、生産能力の高いソリューションを作ります。
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» 個人情報保護
窓枠製造: 第 3世代の powerProfilers – ダイナミック、スピーディ、精密、フレキシブル.
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» 個人情報保護Window production with the CENTATEQ S-900 at Reicherter Fensterbau GmbH.
Reicherter Fensterbau GmbH is a family business. Founded in 1910, it is now in its 4th generation. Its product range includes windows, glazing, front doors, sunrooms and veranda roofs. Managing Director Jean Reicherter introduces the company and the work processes with the CENTATEQ S-900.
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» 個人情報保護Window production with the CENTATEQ P-310 & CENTATEQ S-800 at Detjen Bau- und Möbeltischlerei GmbH
For over 75 years and now in its third generation, Detjen Bau- und Möbeltischlerei GmbH has been offering a wide range of services and experience. In addition to specialising in custom-made windows, doors and staircases, they offer integrated security, energy-saving measures, thermal insulation products and much more. Managing Director Marco Detjen introduces his company and reports on the work processes.
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» 個人情報保護Window production with the CENTATEQ P-500 at the Seltz joinery
The Seltz joinery from Bliestorf, Germany was founded in 1967 and is a 4th generation family business. In addition to windows and front doors made of wood and wood-aluminium, the product portfolio also includes windows and doors made of plastic, interior doors, block frame elements, special elements (fire, smoke, panic and burglary protection) as well as stairs and interior fittings. Michael Selz reports on the advantages of the HOMAG CENTATEQ P-500 and provides an insight into the production process.
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» 個人情報保護Window production with CENTATEQ P-500 at Biersack GmbH
Biersack GmbH from Lörrach is a family business in the 3rd generation. They are a joinery with glaziery and primarily active in window construction.
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» 個人情報保護HOMAG CENTATEQ P-310 | Window production with rounded arches
With the CENTATEQ P-310, you gain from its versatility and high performance. It easily masters panel and solid wood processing, e.g. for window production.
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» 個人情報保護HOMAG CENTATEQ S-800 | Window production using minimal manual labor
The CENTATEQ S-800/S-900 series offers automated window production solutions – from entry-level machines to individual plant concepts for industrial multi-shift operation. With automated feed and removal, these solutions work independently.
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» 個人情報保護HOMAG CENTATEQ P-510 | Window production with 3-stage clamps
The CENTATEQ P-510 is the right choice for demanding production requirements such as stairs, furniture, windows, doors and interior fittings.
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» 個人情報保護Window production with the CENTATEQ P-500 at Peter Schröder GmbH
The Peter Schröder GmbH from Brande - Hörnerkirchen is a family business in the 2nd generation. They are a building and furniture joinery with a strong focus on window production. The CENTATEQ P-500 CNC processing center has expanded their customer base in the long term. The technically feasible solutions have increased and processes have been accelerated. Managing Director Ralf Schröder reports on the advantages of the machine and gives an insight into his company.
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» 個人情報保護Keynote woodWOP 8 CNC programming Software
Experience the latest generation of the woodWOP HOMAG CNC programming software, with its new memory format. Learn about all of the improvements and enhancements.
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» 個人情報保護マシニングセンタCENTATEQ S-800|900
窓枠製造: 第 3世代の powerProfilers – ダイナミック、スピーディ、精密、フレキシブル.
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Grathwol Fensterbau: 次のレベルの窓生産