Coordinated interfaces between HOMAG intelliDivide Nesting and other software systems open up a wide range of options and seamless data transfer. Together with other software providers, we are providing you with a constantly growing number of coordinated interfaces.

You can find out which interfaces these are here:

SmartWOP and intelliDivide Nesting

The "SmartWOPConnect intelliDivide Nesting" interface ensures that you can transfer MPR programs from the SmartWOP CAD/CAM system to intelliDivide, the optimization software for the nesting process, with just one click. The required parts lists are automatically available in intelliDivide – you don't have to do anything else, just get started straight away with optimization.

imos iX and intelliDivide Nesting

The "iXConnect intelliDivide Nesting" interface connects the imos iX CAD/CAM system with the intelliDivide Nesting optimization software.
With just one click, the CNC programs in woodWOP format and, optionally, the parts list of a job from the imos iX CAD/CAM system can be transferred directly to intelliDivide Nesting and nested there.


More information about software providers and interfaces

Find out how to subscribe to the interface here.