Episode 1: Digital insight with intelliDivide Cutting: Get to know the optimization software

In the first episode you will learn:

  • What is intelliDivide Cutting?
  • What makes the optimization software special?
  • Where and how can you use intelliDivide Cutting?

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Episode 1: Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting - Get to know the optimization software

Episode 2: Create an optimization

In the secons episode, Product Manager Kai Friebe answers the following questions:

  • How to create an optimization easily and conveniently?
  • How do you use parts lists and manage your machine parameters?

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Episode 2: Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting – Create an optimization

Episode 3: Create panel data

In the third episode "Digital insight with intelliDivide Cutting", everything focuses on the topic of panel data. Product manager Kai Friebe shows you...

  • ...how to create panel data in intelliDivide and use it optimally for your individual application.
  • ...what options are available for managing panel material.

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Episode 3: Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting – Create panel data

Episode 4: Working with templates

In episode 4, Kai Friebe explains why working with templates simplifies your optimization process and answers these questions:

  • What are templates?
  • How does working with templates work?
  • Why are templated needed at all?

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Episode 4: Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting – Working with templates

Episode 5: Comparison and use of results

In the last episode “Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting”, another exciting topic awaits you:

  • How are several solutions calculated simultaneously?
  • How can the optimization results be compared with each other and used differently depending on the application?

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Episode 5: Digital Insight with intelliDivide Cutting – Comparison and use of results